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DD has allergy to SOY and ALMONDS


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She was tested yesterday for 9 different food items.  These two came up positive for her.  She eats soy ALL THE TIME because it's basically in everything, so the doctor said she probably just doesn't react to soy when she eats it.  He did prescribe an epi pen so this will be a new experience for us. She had a protein bar a couple of weeks ago at school that had almonds in it and she did react to that.  Her mouth, ears and lips felt weird and tingly etc.. I took liquid Benadryl over to the school and she was fine.  It actually stopped before I got there but I went ahead and gave her the Benadryl anyway.  

Anyway, I just feel so stressed when anything is going on with my kids.  Food allergies scare me so much!  DH is Celiac so I'm used to dealing with that the past four years, but this kind of overwhelms me.  Then I've been dealing with Eustachian Tube Dysfunction the last few weeks and will be going to see him for that next week.  Makes me wonder if I'm having food issues.  I just feel nervous and stressed.


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You will figure it out, but it is stressful! I bet she will feel so much better when she eliminates soy, but it is going to be annoying to watch labels and such. 

I am glad you have answers on the food for your DD. I hope you get some definitive answers about your own needs.

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1 hour ago, kbutton said:

You will figure it out, but it is stressful! I bet she will feel so much better when she eliminates soy, but it is going to be annoying to watch labels and such. 

I am glad you have answers on the food for your DD. I hope you get some definitive answers about your own needs.

She's not eliminating soy because she's never reacted to it.  She will carry an epi pen though from now on.  

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43 minutes ago, Patty Joanna said:

(Did you know that most chain restaurants buy their meats from one or two large providers, and that those providers marinate the meat in an egg-based mixture before they send it off?  Yeah, neither did I.)

Whoa!! No idea! How did you find that out? No wonder my DH feels horrible after eating out!

OP, sorry about your daughter. I'm sure you'll figure it out, and I agree that Celiac is harder to accommodate - you're already a pro! Food allergies scare me, too, so I understand where you're coming from.

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