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The Travel/Move Prep Teachers Lounge 3-19-2019


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Good morning and welcome to the Lounge!

For refreshments we have water, tea, coffee, single bags of various chips, and a variety of pre-packaged pastries
for sale from my son's snack shop.

Theme for today stems from the fact that I may be traveling (again), possibly moving, soon, so this morning's prep was to
take the car to the mechanic for an all-point inspection, followed by cleaning out my trunk! The mechanic said, "I tried real hard to 
find anything wrong..." but he only found two minor things. Some part that helps keep the motor stable (forgot the name already) and
he said my two front tires should probably be replaced, which I already knew. So there's that.

Anyone traveling or moving soon? Here: see above.

Anyone on Spring Break this week? Here; we're so flexible with our schedule and have had many interruptions already that Spring Break isn't
really a thing in our household. But boy there were sure a lot of people returning from Spring Break as I flew through a couple of airports this past weekend.

Who's providing snacks for the Lounge tomorrow? 😉

Talk to me!

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Hey Scrap, glad to get hear good news about the vehicle! Car maintenance seems to get worse each time I go, lol. 

Looking at moving in June again. So even though it sounds far away, I know it will be upon me in a couple of minutes. I've quietly started cleaning out a box or two and streamlining my packing, so that when the time comes everything except for the daily stuff will basically be pre-boxed.

Kids got an unexpected spring break last week while I was sick last week. This week all of their activities are off (yay!) so I don't have to take anyone anywhere and man is that a great feeling. I am still under the weather though so I'm not in control and using the extra time like I'd like. But one day at a time, maybe tomorrow I'll be on top of it, lol. 

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We're doing both! We close on our house on Friday but won't move until the end of May. In the meantime, we'll be taking several trips there to work on the house (12hrs one way) and next week I have to drive dd10 to Mayo clinic twice for 12 total appointments (4hrs one way, so 16hrs total). So lots and lots of driving and time spent not in our comfy house. My lifesaver right now is our cell phone internet router. It runs off 4g and does unlimited wifi for 15 devices. Because of it, wherever we go, the kids can use their tablets and we even have a Roku hooked up to the TV screen in the van. My kids LOVE road trips because it pretty much equals unlimited screen time. 

It looks like we'll be able to have movers, so that's huge. I don't mind packing as much as hauling it all, but avoiding all of it will be massive. 

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