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The Wednesday Workout Teachers Lounge 2-13-2019


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Howdy, all! Thanks for your patience while I open up the lounge! We currently have nachos for refreshments, along with coffee, loose leaf tea, and water to drink.

Today's theme stems from the fact that ds and I have mostly started a workout routine. He and I work out at a gym twice a week, and I hike with the dog once or twice a week.
We just started last week, so give us some time to establish a habit!

Anything new in your world this week? Here: see above.

What's for lunch? Here: me, nachos with pica de gallo. DS had personal pan pizza. DD was on her own.

Anyone else like to hike? Here: just me and the dog, and not nearly often enough!

Talk to me!

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Hi ya Scrap!

New?  Snow finally stopped...  Oh. I know what- I made some pretty yummy gluten free pit stickers (gyoza) from The Gluten Free Asian Kitchen. 

Snow has put a kibosh on all my working out. I can’t even go to the gym because it has been closed due to snow. I have had some upper body workouts with snow shoveling though. 

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