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My poor husband is so sick tonight.

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He had an odd 'episode' last week. He was at the office (that of our football team) and suddenly couldn't remember any one's name, what he was doing, and a number of other details.

Someone took him to the training room and the doctors fed him (he had skipped breakfast) and did a few other things for him and he soon started to feel better.

Later, he called our doctor who made an appointment for him with a neurologist. He saw the neurologist who scheduled a few test for today. He had an MRI first thing this morning, then went for a four hour glucose tolerance test. Since then he's been sick to his stomach and has had a terrible headache.

He was home by 2:00 and has been in bed since (it's now after 5PM). I should add that he *never* goes to bed sick. He's like...a mom!


I don't know much about these tests, but I wonder if feeling ill is just a coincidence. Could the glucose test have made him feel so poorly?

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He had an odd 'episode' last week. He was at the office (that of our football team) and suddenly couldn't remember any one's name, what he was doing, and a number of other details.

Someone took him to the training room and the doctors fed him (he had skipped breakfast) and did a few other things for him and he soon started to feel better.


. Could the glucose test have made him feel so poorly?


Yes, it could.

I used to get low sugar if I skipped a couple meals and rushed about. I was in a haze (the technical term is "clouding of consciousness"...I love that phrase) once and a nurse took a finger stick. 29. Not sure why I was conscious at all!!


More common in young women, than in mature men, but still possible.

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