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Supplement to Singapore Math?


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Son seems to grasp math quickly. In the past, I have preferred doing math fact review and hands on activities to add to the math program.  In the book we are in now, 3A, we have been skipping the reviews from the textbook but doing everything from the workbook. 


Would it be overkill to add in BJU math as a supplement? I don't mean doing all the activities and such. I mean teaching from the Singapore Math as our main math course, but then having the workbook to pull sheets from to use for extra review or reinforcement? I really like BJU but already own the books and workbooks and such for Singapore Math through 3B. Plus, BJU has a bit wider of a scope than Singapore Math. I am thinking I am likely to use BJU for prealgebra at the minimum. 


edited to add: I usually supplement with the Key's To series....but I kind of want to find a different direction this time.


edited to add again : would CLE have way too much content to do along side Singapore Math?

Edited by Janeway
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I use the Singapore 1-3 textbooks for the basic scope and sequence and to check for fluency after practicing the concepts with other programs. So yes it can be used that way. I read through the textbook with my kiddo first and do a few of the problems orally with my assistance, usually doing several chapters in one sitting. Then we'll use a variety of other sources for the next few months to practice and expand. Then I'll go through the textbook again picking out a few problems from each chapter, again orally, to see where kiddo is at.

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You might want to take a look at not using the SM WB and doing the TB with the Intensive Practice books to go deeper. Also, the Challenging Word Problem books are excellent, but keep in mind there is no instruction in these books. In fact, the CWP problems are far better than the word problems in the TB and WB which are far too easy. If you need explicit instruction for word problems, then get the Fan Math Process Skills in Problem Solving. Another supplement from Fan Math Express Speed Math Strategies which focuses on mental math skills.  

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I used Singapore through 6 then went to BJU pre-algebra. I also use Singpore as my basic scope and sequence and add in more practice to address trouble spots with parts of other programs  I think it might actually be helpful to do some of BJU before pre-algebra.  Like you said it has a wider scope  so you could cover some topics Singapore doesn't and the Jump in workload from Singapore to BJU is significant, I thought. So it might be a gentler introduction if you were already doing a page a week or something like that from BJU.  I also agree that if you have a strong math student the CWP are a great supplement to take their thinking deeper.

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We used Primary Math TB and WB, and supplemented with Intensive Practice and Challenging Word Problems.  IP and CWP can be ridiculously challenging, but there is great satisfaction when we master the most difficult problems.  We also used this service:  www.singaporemathlive.com.  Brenda Barnett's explanations of the problems in IP and CWP are clear and concise.  You can view sample lessons on her website.  Well worth the money; one of the best homeschool purchases I ever made.


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