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My holiday is about to be over

Night Elf

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I've had college dd20 home for two weeks and have loved every minute I've been able to spend with her. She's going back to school tomorrow and I may not see her until the end of the semester. She rarely comes home for weekends now. She's either working or hanging out with friends. I'm so glad for texting. It's how we stay in touch daily although I try not to abuse it and bother her. I've been working so I haven't had as much time with her as I would have liked but she understands. 

Today she's got two medical appointments that she only does here in our city. She's not thrilled about it but she said it's better than finding new doctors in her college city. She still prefers to have a parent go with her to the dentist, for example. I promised her that if she had cavities, we'll find her a dentist at school and DH and I will drive there and take her to the appointment. It may look strange to show up with both of your parents but I have anxiety about driving myself and I don't want to send DH alone. Thankfully she's okay with it. Oh heck, one of us can stay in the car. 🙂 Here's hoping she doesn't have any cavities!

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Our first heads up for the first time on Sunday. He'll do his orientations and such (dh & I go up Weds/Thurs for the parent portion), come back home Thurs night, has a medical appt on Friday morning....and then we will all go and move him in. I'm not ready in the least. 

I totally get having your dd come home for appts, and we'd likely do the same with the dentist, LOL! I hope she's cavity free, and you are able to be in touch with her all semester; ((hugs)) to you.

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No cavities! Yay! So we don't need to find a new dentist. She'll come home when it's time for her next dental cleaning. We have Kaiser so she already has been going there. She just does dental and GYN here at home because she knows the providers well. I don't blame her. 🙂

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