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Accountability Thread 12/30-1/5

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Good morning! It's about the first--everyone have their resolutions written down somewhere to forget about them later? I do! Whole two pages of what I'd like to do. What will probably happen is that I'll do just what I can manage and nothing else, and that's fine. 

Today: Finish a novel (first draft) and tuck it away for later, read over my edit letter from my agent for the third time and set up a document to start working on some of the big picture questions, read through the rest of my critiques for the week and get two of them completed, read through my edited MS and start thinking about how to approach some of the more difficult emotion work, and cook hamburgers. I think I can handle all that.

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Busy day today. DD6 wanted to visit her friends this morning at the grocery store. Then church playing with her friends after service. Lunch with Daddy at work. The park and the library finding kids to play with there to.

Just letting her have lots of time away from home and with other kids.



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Lol on the new years resolutions, Critter! 😄 I don't even call them that anymore because it seems so synonymous with failure. I try to set a few goals that actually really should happen. I don't want to look back at my 2018 list at all. I know I failed miserably! 😥 Several of those goals are in progress, just not yet completed. So I might make my 2019 list today without looking at 2018, knowing some of the goals are the same but that's okay. Sometimes things just take longer than you anticipated, right?

We are starting regular school back up today with a late start. We are moving slowly this morning and I have a few errands to run and I just want to get them over with so we'll do those first today. Highly unorthodox! 😂

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DD6 is still having a great time with her play doh kitchen thing. She spent most of the morning playing with it. Then she spent time cutting cardboard for a costume and painting it.

She spent time reading to me and asked if she can have this day off.

Helped her make homemade cookie treats.

Family game time and movie night.

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Well, there was a family crisis on Monday so no school work got done. It poured over into yesterday, so no school work got done.

As a result of this life junk, I could not sleep at all last night. I think I got 2 hours of sleep. Maybe. 😰 So of course, I am exhausted, have a headache, and my eyes burn. But I'm gonna get another cup of coffee, be the adult, and restore some normalcy here. We all need it.

So we will be doing some school work no matter what! Pencil to paper! Then I'm going to take a nap this afternoon! Lol! 😴

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10 hours ago, MrsRobinson said:

Well, there was a family crisis on Monday so no school work got done. It poured over into yesterday, so no school work got done.

As a result of this life junk, I could not sleep at all last night. I think I got 2 hours of sleep. Maybe. 😰 So of course, I am exhausted, have a headache, and my eyes burn. But I'm gonna get another cup of coffee, be the adult, and restore some normalcy here. We all need it.

So we will be doing some school work no matter what! Pencil to paper! Then I'm going to take a nap this afternoon! Lol! 😴

Awww. Hope you get some more sleep tonight. I was up at four with an upset stomach, but I'm better tonight, just really tired. 

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I did sleep much better last night, thanks Critter! 😊

Today's plan: put chicken thighs in the crock pot, drop dh off at work, bank, quick grocery store run, prep food for my volunteer thing, drop off prepped food, pick up dh from work, do some light school with the kids, prep for long medical appointment day tomorrow, get to bed early. 

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Oh, I'm tired. I wrote, I gathered previous drafts for revision work next week, I did a critique, and picked up another possible reader for a first draft, networked, and now I just want to eat dinner and go to bed. 

The boys did Latin and half a math lesson today.

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Yesterday she did do some school. Calendar, weather, Bible and memory verse and she read to me. We also listened to an audiobook in the car. At bedtime she had read aloud and then audiobook.

Today, DH took the car. 

Calendar, weather, emergency contacts and videos on YouTube about 911/emergency situations.  Discussion about ER situations here at home. So far.

Still need to do Bible story, memory verses review, poems to remember, her read to me and Ray's Arithmetic.

Clean up the place

Go for a walk 

Play games

Do laundry

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