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The I've Got a Headache Teachers Lounge 12-3-2018


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Good morning and welcome to the Lounge! 

Today's theme should be self-explanatory although it could be titled "The Best Laid Plans Teachrs Lounge", as well. Planned on doing a walk this morning to go collect come medicinal herbs (brittlebush to be specific). Then found out, at the last minute, that I had a morning meeting. Lovely. So did that. think I'll still be collecting the herbs but I will be driving over there so I can get some other errands done, too. Will walk later with the dog.

What are you up to today? Here: some wildcrafting (see above), errands (grocery and maybe a couple of others), and maybe  nap later! Plus, I need to see what lessons son needs to get done.

How do you get yourself slowed down enough to enjoy the holiday season when all you do is feel rushed? Here: I think I'm going to take my son on a Mom/son date to go see The Grinch tomorrow afternoon. At one of the local theaters they have $4.00 Tuesdays; movies are $4.00 ALL day! Yes, dd told me the movie didn't get the greatest reviews but I don't care. He and I both want to see it and I don't usually put a lot of stock in reviews anyway.

Anyone have their tree up yet? Here: not yet. Was dh's plan this past weekend. While he and kids did clear out the area where they want to put it, we're not really sure where we stored the tree. B-) Maybe we WILL do a real one this year . . . 

Talk to me! 


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Morning, Scrap! That's too bad about the headache.  We've battled sickness here in all forms for the last month and I'm so over it already.

We intentionally slow down our holiday season with a new routine from Dec. 1 - Jan. 1.  It's a month of crafting, watching movies, baking, and being in our community.  Every day has something new in it, but never more than 1 home thing and 1 community thing on the same day. 🙂
Our tree is up.  It has to be.  Our advent calendar is a series of ornaments that appear each day.  They're numbered tins that we fill with Dove chocolates, one for each kid, because they love the little sayings on the wrappers.
On the schedule today (some done already):
1. school
2. make sea salt caramels and shortbread
3. take the youngest to an outside class
4. take the oldest to work
5. housecleaning.  I have a routine for deep cleaning each week: Monday - main floor, Tuesday - top, Wednesday- way below (basement), Thursday - stop.  It gets the house reasonably well each week.  Today's focus is the dining room/kitchen.
6. cook.........something....for dinner.  Only 2 of us will be home, so I have no idea.
7. bedtime routines, finish the laundry, and then pile in the car to see the town lights after picking up the oldest.

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HI, HomeAgain! Yeah, I still have the headache. Was not improved by finding out I needed a new alternator in my car! However, I'm thankful that I actually had the cash to pay for it AND the mechanic gave me a significant discount because I COULD pay in cash! Yay!

Hope you're day goes well!


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Good evening, Scrap! I just now have had time to get back on here since earlier today. Is your head better? I hope so!

What I was up to today was school with ds, tutoring one math student, working on some co-op classes, and taking care of my dad. He had his 4th treatment last week and is here for awhile. He's mostly just tired and resting a lot. I'll probably watch something tonight before bed.

I don't usually feel too rushed in the holiday season, but there always seems to be things I don't get to that I want to do. We'll be home more this year, so I think that will help, too. 

Our tree is not up. It's usually up the weekend after Thanksgiving; however, I got sick that Friday and didn't feel like it. We want to wait until dd is back home again from college, so it will most likely go up the evening of the 14th. 



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