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Book a Week 2018 - BW48: The Tyger by William Blake

Robin M

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17 hours ago, mumto2 said:

@Robin M   These challenges look great!  I am definitely looking forward to all of them!  

 Ten Chain Book Train - Each book must connect to the other either by a word in the title or author name.  For example An Artificial Night by Seanan McGuire leads to The Night Train to Lisbon by Pascal Mercier which leads to The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins and so on.  Have to be read chronologically, no skipping around and linking them up later and can only read the same author in succession twice................I just want to make sure these don’t need to be consecutive reads because I am always waiting for holds to arrive and well, rabbit trails............For instance I can read Artifical Night, a Christie book for instance, then Train to Lisbon, a couple of none related book,  then a Train book.  I just need to read the ten in order right?

Tuesday,  just sending some hugs your way!  😉

Right, just the ten in order and they don't need to be consecutive reads. That would possibly be torture. I'm leaving plenty of room for rabbit trails 



4 hours ago, Kareni said:

I'd burned out on J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood books after about the first six and was not taken with her Bourbon Kings novels; however, I quite enjoyed her newest book which I finished late last night; I'd describe it as romantic suspense.  Caution:  gore alert.

Consumed (Firefighters series)  by J.R. Ward


Totally enjoyed Consumed as well.  Loved the Black Dagger Brotherhood, but I never read any of her Bourbon Kings either. None of them interested me.  

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On 11/28/2018 at 11:42 AM, Lady Florida. said:


The Last Kingdom by Bernard Cornwell. I plan to continue this series but not just yet. I want shorter, easier fiction to read through the holiday season.



Quoting myself to say I changed my mind and started the next book, The Pale Horseman. 

23 hours ago, texasmom33 said:


@Lady Florida.- glad to have a fellow Uhtred fan here! The books diverge a fair bit from the series, so it's still been fun both ways- I never know exactly what they're going to do on the series. We just started watching Season 3 this week- it's based mostly on Book 5 so far, but there are a lot of differences so far. 


We're about halfway through Season 2 so I have a way to go to catch up in the books. As you can see above, I decided to keep going instead of waiting until after the holidays. I like both Uhtreds - the one in the books who looks back on his life (apparently as an old man? Older but not old?) and young Uhtred of the series.


ETA: I finished The Vital Principle and was wrong about the murderer. I did have some suspicions about one person in the family of the actual murderer but I still didn't figure out who really did it. It was an okay mystery. Not worth paying for but fine as the freebie it was.

Edited by Lady Florida.
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10 hours ago, marbel said:

Hey all, I've kind of lost track of the thread but wanted to mention a book I just finished as a re-read: The Book of Fires by Jane Borodale.  Here is the Goodreads page for it:  https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6402584-the-book-of-fires

It's set in Sussex and London in the 1750s. I won't get into a summary because you can find that yourself, but it's just a lovely book. As usual, people do stupid things that make no sense but just serve to frustrate the reader - but overall it's so good. I had actually forgotten a key point from my first reading, so I'm glad I read it again. Some reviews say the characters are one-dimensional but I thought they were very well done.  It seemed very true to other descriptions of London during the time, and there were fireworks!  Check it out.  If anyone else has read it, I would love to know what you thought!

BTW, thanks to @mumto2 for setting me straight on Christmas in London for Brit-tripping.  It was a couple weeks ago now, or maybe just last week... anyway, thank you!  


Thanks for the recommendation, my library has The Book of Fires.  I put in on the wish list while I tackle what I already have checked out!

Chistmas in London.......my current audiobook actually is Christmas in London.  Totally accidental!  Ben Aaronovitch’s Whispers Under Ground, Book 3 in the Peter Grant series is set during the Christmas season.

Thanks Robin,  looking forward to the 10 book chains!  🙂

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