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Hope for Neat people who live with...not naturally neat people


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I’m the resident neat person in my family. So far, there wasn’t extensive evidence that this is a heritable tendency. 😏 I did notice in the last couple years, though, that DS19 did generally make his bed and have a reasonable level of order in his bedroom. 

I came home from shopping today and heard the sound of the vacuum. Hmm...so odd...did somebody spill something? I couldn’t imagine.... I followed the sound. DS19 is cleaning and organizing the basement (he has a sort of music studio down there) and he has also brow-beaten DS14 into helping! So, one vacuuming the rug and one sweeping the tile! 

I am totally happy with this arrangement. 😊

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Woot Woot!  When they want something bad enough, they'll clean it up.  

For me, as long as the mess is where I can't see it, like James bedroom or hubby's office, then I can close the door and ignore it.  Don't allow food trash so no worries there. I let things go until trash day, then they have to shovel out their rooms. When my hubby's in a creative mode, he doesn't throw anything away, so things pile up in his office while he's working.  Once he's done, he does a major clean up and of course has to make a big deal so I know.  😀  

Fortunately I can close the door on the mess.  I generally do an evening pickup of shoes and socks, throw them in respective rooms on my way to bed.

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I would be quite happy with that arrangement, too!

My 7 yo ds loves to vacuum. I'm not sure if he realizes how much tidying he ends up doing to clear the floor before vacuuming. Every time this phenomenon of a 7 yo child tidying and vacuuming occurs, I hold my breath, hoping it sticks through the teen years! 😄

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