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The Cyborg Teachers Lounge 11-15-2018


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Good morning and welcome to the Lounge!

Today's theme stems from the fact that I am now a cyborg. Meaning, since the 5th of this month to the 5th of the next, I am attached to a 3-lead event (heart) monitor
in the hopes the doctors can figure out my current health issues. If you'd like to find my chronicles of The Adventures of Being a Cyborg, private messge me and I'll give you the 
details of how to follow me on that FB page.

Any cyborgs in your family recently? Here: see above. That would be ME. 

Any other medical adventures you're currently dealing with? Here: this comes just a few months after being diagnosed with degenerative joint disease with stenosis in my lower back. Yay.

What are you looking forward to this week? Here: getting more writing done - and mostly at write-ins because it doesn't seem to work at home.

Talk to me! ?

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Oh wow Scrap.  Sending good thoughts that your docs can figure things out. 

What am I looking forward to this week?  Just getting it done.  We are in crazy Nutcracker season.  Class tonight, Class on Friday, class and rehearsals on Saturday 8-8, and Sunday 9-4.

Then class on Monday and Tuesday.  I can't wait for Thanksgiving break. 

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Hi ya, Scrap.  I super  messed up last night and overdosed on a prescription med.  Almost went to the ER.  But I live with an RN and was safe.  Still feeling the effects now and didn't get the sleep I needed, but it should all even out by tomorrow. 

I am looking forward to tutoring tomorrow.  This landed in my lap a week ago.  I'm finding it fun to teach littles again.

Otherwise, it's "Keep on swimming" for me. 

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
can't type coherently
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Heya Scrap. Sorry to hear about all of the health issues. I hope that the heart monitor finds the issue and that it is an "easy" one. 

Re looking forward: DH's birthday is tomorrow. I'm going to make boston cream donuts tonight/tomorrow, the kids are away until Saturday, so I will get work done have a nice night and eat donuts!

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