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Math Curricula Recommendations


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For background, Dd8 is about to finish BA 3D. Right now she is also using BA Online.  She does the workbook for a half hour (3D) and online for a half hour (any level she wants). In the past, she finished Miquon and has dabbled in MEP and MM. She also practices math facts daily on Xtramath.

I want her to continue using BA Online for a half hour a day. She likes it and grumbles less about doing it than the workbook. I'm considering ditching the workbook and doing something else for that half hour. I am noticing that her more non-traditional math programs have given her very good number sense and problem sovling, but for actual quick arithmetic she has to re-invent the wheel each time. Basically, she needs more practice actually doing problems like 378x523. She's very inefficient because they've never given her a format to follow so much as show her how to solve the problem in theory and in lots of different ways. Which is great, but I'm feeling like she needs some supplementation. Long addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are really fuzzy for her still and I think it is holding her back and frustrating her.

I have Math Mammoth all the way through 6th grade, and she's not a fan. MEP is a possibility but is also more puzzly than I think I'm looking for.  I used Saxon and CLE for the early grades (1&2) for dd10 and am using TT for her now. I definitely don't think TT would work for what I'm looking for and I don't want dd10 to be upset because her younger sister is doing a higher level of the same math than her. But maybe something more traditional is in order? What's Saxon like at that level? I'm thinking dd8 will probably need a 4th grade level book. She loves working on the computer, so maybe Khan Academy? Any other recommendations? 

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If you could, I'd borrow MUS dvds from someone.  They are brilliant in teaching the how behind the operations and you don't have to spend a lot of time on each lesson as long as she gets it.  I bring them out for ds8 every once in a while - Epsilon/Zeta taught dividing/multiplication of fractions and decimals in minutes so that he could apply it to other things (like his Right Start that sort of glossed over it).
If not that, then book 1 & 2 of Gattegno math.  Not as quick, more discovery based, but very concrete and you can work through as quickly or as slowly as needed.  Extra practice in application can be done with Prodigy.

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1 minute ago, Kiara.I said:

Beast 4 does long multiplication. In grade 3, I think it's rare to have mastered long multiplication and long division. Is it possible that the curriculum will get her there eventually?


Hmm, I have it on the shelf, I'll go look and see if it is what I'm looking for. That would be funny.

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Alright, well, I think I might just give it some more time then. I'll continue having her do BA with the workbook for new stuff and reviewing/practicing a level behind with BA Online. It helps that she's still so young. We have plenty of time if it turns out she still needs more practice after BA 4. Silly me, worrying for no reason.

Edited by MeaganS
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Singapore does a good job of taking number sense and teaching strategies directly while using that number sense.  There is a complement of workbooks (regular workbook, Intensive Practice, Extra Practice, Challenging Word Problem’s [if you can find it]) for practicing the skills.  My math-intuitive kids did well with Singapore (they also used BA, RS, Miquon, and AOPS at various points).  

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