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Encyclopedia Set Recommendation?

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Our family is very interested in purchasing a full set of encyclopedia, for general research questions. Does anyone have a recommendation? I grew up with World Book, Britannica, etc but I don’t know anything about their quality today. 

Thanks for any help!

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Regardless of the publisher, I suggest you buy a used set for $15 or less at a library sale or a garage sale.  Libraries update them every few years, but the older sets are usually still very useful.  We have both a regular set and a children's World Book set, and I have generally found the children's set gets more use because the articles are clearer and more succinct. 

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I picked up a 2002 Britanica set from the library for a “suggested donation.”  I have told them I’ve been on the lookout for a couple years now so they’ve had me on their radar.  I grew up with adult World Book set of 1988 and visually probably prefer them for kids but will make do with these for now.

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