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The I Need a Nap! Teachers Lounge 10-03-2018


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Good morning and welcome to the Lounge!

Toda's theme stems from the fact that it's only about 0630 here and I already feel like I need a nap.
Thinking about the busy day. should just focus on one things at a time, shouldn't I? Time to implement what I 
learned in a webinar last night about mindfulness!

What's on your schedule today? Here: need to head out soon to get a cup of coffee and take a "feel better" package
to my teacher friend who's sick. Then come home, p/u dd and take her to JAM (Just Among Moms), a moms group at church
for which she helps with childcare. From there I go to meet with a friend to have coffee and discuss some things. Then home to 
do school with my son. Then cook dinner. Then some phone appointments. Whew! I'm tired just thinking about it!

What's for breakfast/lunch/dinner today?Here: don't know/don't know/ probably winter squash (think butternut and acorn) with rice and seasonings.

What's your forecast for today? Here: we are "enjoying" the remnants of Hurricane Rosa that came up through Mexico a couple of days ago, with more
rain expected today, even though we've already received close to 3" in the past couple of days. That may not sound like a lot but in the desert, where we rarely get 
rain, when it pours like this, it does not dissipate or run off quickly. Thus we have flash flood areas, and even some parts of the highway that are closed.
And I say "enjoy" because while some of it is enjoyable and much needed, the formerly stated can present a bit of a snaggle, depending on where and who you are.
There are some people who will still try to go through areas where the signs specifically say "Do Not Enter When Flooded". 

Talk to me! ?

Edited by scrapbookbuzz
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I always need a nap.  My kids are too busy for me to get one most days though. 

A break from the rain and clouds today.  Some sun and 80.  Odd.  



Violin lessons

Dance- early night at home from this.  Which is nice. 

I needed to stop at the store, but lessons got pushed back so that isn't going to happen. 

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You do need a nap! Today is 10-03 not 10-30?

What's on the schedule? Laundry, Clean off my desk, pay bills, school with two kids, one kid needs some extractions of baby teeth for braces, call the doctor, make dinner

Meals? Have no idea on lunch or dinner. I will probably grill something because it is 80 bajillion degrees here. We're having Jultober right now and it stinks, which answers the last question!

Have a great day and I hope you get a nap!

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We had a rough night, which ended in me waking up in a puddle of pee on the ground next to the baby (the pee-giver). I had mopped yesterday. So, little sleep, and then waking up to that: I need a nap, definitely, lol. 

Today's schedule is laundry, and now also includes mopping, and a full school day, and making ratatouille for dinner. Breakfast is almost ready, rolled oats. Lunch will be leftovers I think.

Still nice and overcast today, looks like it's been sprinkling recently. So, at least the weather is nice!

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