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Teen ice breakers & team building activities needed


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I've been asked to lead a different ice breaker/team building activity each week at a teen youth group this year.  The kids are very creative, so I'd like to include some drama games, story or song creation, etc.  I  am going to need a lot of different activities!  Would you please share any that have been a hit with teens you've known?  

ETA:  These do need to be short activities - no more than 10 minutes, and preferably around 5.  

Edited by klmama
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The only thing that popped into my mind was Bunco.  You can find instructions and score cards on-line.  We played it at a large gathering of teens, and it was a good ice breaker and required them to move from group to group. 

Oh!  More things popping into my head.....

An old one -- give everyone a label to put on their back. The labels have to be a certain category, such as animals, celebrities, book title, movie titles, popular songs, etc. Kids need to go around and ask other people questions to try to guess what their label says. You can make up different rules for this -- allow only one question per person, only allow 30 seconds per person and then ring a bell and everyone has to switch people, only allow yes and no questions, etc.

Play charades.

We did a game once with a large group where one person had a cooking pan and a wooden spoon.  She'd do a certain number of 'beats' on the pan and you had to get yourself into a group with that many people.  If she did 6 beats, a group of 6 people, etc.  If you didn't find a group, you were out and had to stand along the wall.  You need to keep this game moving quickly, and repeat it a few times so that the people who get out immediately get another chance to play.

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I second mom@shiloh's recommendation of the label game. I've done that a couple of time with teens (size 13-30), and it has been a good ice-breaker. I change it up, use post-it notes and put them on their forehead. You prepare the labels ahead of time (if you let the kids, I've found some will select truly minor characters from some minor book or movie that they are obsessed with and no one else is interested - maybe these are the outliers who struggle with social interaction anyway). Try to figure out things all the kids will know. Elvis is not one all kids know!


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