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What can you tell me about being a website designer?


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DD19 has a chronic health condition that limits her ability to do a physical job. She is bright, creative and has a good sense of spacial proportions..  In a very basic computer applications class her teacher once told her she was really good at coding. She liked the very basic tasks they were given to preform, so while it is rudimentary, at least it seems to suit her. She is in college but can only attend part time right now, and is taking online classes.  She was planning a career in healthcare, so is on track for a biology degree but honestly, she knows it isn't realistic in the near future to work in healthcare due to her physical limitations. She is looking into long term careers that will suit her strengths and can potentially work around her weaknesses. Her husband is in the military for at least the next 6 years, so she also needs a portable degree that won't require relicensing every time she moves (like healthcare).  Web design was an area that is interesting her right now, so I thought I would ask here.


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I probably wouldn't go that route. So many websites like Squarespace have basically automated web design that there aren't many web design jobs out there, and the ones that do exist have minimal pay.

I have a friend who spent two years getting a web design degree, and she couldn't find a job. 

There are many other coding degrees and certificates that would have better outlooks. She should talk to someone in the field at a tech school to see what they recommend.

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24 minutes ago, Mergath said:

I probably wouldn't go that route. So many websites like Squarespace have basically automated web design that there aren't many web design jobs out there, and the ones that do exist have minimal pay.

I have a friend who spent two years getting a web design degree, and she couldn't find a job. 

There are many other coding degrees and certificates that would have better outlooks. She should talk to someone in the field at a tech school to see what they recommend.

Wonderful!  I will pass that info on to her!

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It's definitely possible to make money creating sites but there's a lot of competition. I've done a bit, I prefer the development side vs the design side which is more making things work vs deciding how they look and there's a decent amount of work if you are good.

I'm doing a computing and IT degree at the moment that's fairly broad and something like that could be a good degree. She can figure out the direction she wants to go without being hemmed into just the design side. 


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If she’s interested in healthcare/biology, and good at computers, I’d research along those lines.  There are many medical programming needs, and medical information degrees. Idk about online work, but if she can work in an office, sitting, or part time, would that work with her needs?

Creating medical charts, analyzing chart data/treatments/patients, science and medical computer “edutainment “ , healthcare informatics.  And plenty of need in basic science and research for programming.

Creating computer programs is a needed field, but idk specifically about web design.

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7 hours ago, poliq said:

I would definitely recommend that route. I believe it is one of the most interesting professions nowadays and gives lots of variants for self growth. More and more tools appear in that field helpping designers to become more successful. I personaly run two blogs and have profit from them apart from main job position. The thing is that if you have an idea, great reasonable webhosting provider (for me the best one is Zomro.net with their super reasonable price plans for bloggers) you can earn extra money easily and spend more time on self growth.


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The thing with web design is that there's so many softwares and services available to people right now that allows them to build a website even without knowing how to code. There are multiple website builders for that as well. I am not a tech whiz and I don't know any coding language but I was still able to create a free website at https://hpage.com which is a website builder and I have been creating my websites with them for years now. All I had to do is pick out a web design from their platform and add in additional content and make some changes a bit.

If she's really into web design, I suggest, she can do it as a side hustle. If coding interests her, the money making skills in coding lies in backend development such as learning PHP, Java, etc. 

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