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Would doing both for a 5th grader be an overkill?

We are finishing up MCT Level 1 and it has been going well and I was going to continue with that.  For some reason I thought IEW is for older kids and deals with entirely different aspects of LA.  Today someone described to me a few things from IEW and now I am not sure what to think.

Help!!!  Please!!


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I also use MCT writing books as general overviews of aspects of writing and use a different writing program (was W&R, currently LToW).  I actually dropped vocabulary when my kids started Latin too.  So we use MCT grammar, practice book, poetics, and the writing book as an overview.  I imagine you could do something similar with IEW for writing (they also have other products but usually when people say IEW they mean their Structure and Style based writing options).  But I wouldn’t use IEW writing, and spelling, and poetry memorization, and ___, plus all of MCT.  

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