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Best scary story collection?


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Check out this past thread: "Scary or funny books at a 2nd grade reading level" -- suggestions for up through 5th grade level.

A couple of other out-of-print but worth looking for books are from the fairytale/folktale series by Ruth Manning Sanders and illustrated by Robin Jacques. Each book has 12-15 tales, all based around the title creature. The "spooky" story collections include:
A Book of Witches
A Book of Ghosts and Goblins
A Book of Demons and Devils
A Book of Spooks and Spectres
A Book of Monsters

A bit more scary:
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark -- and sequel volumes
13 Scary Ghost Stories
Favorite Scary Stories of American Children
Tales of Mystery, Suspense and Supernatural

Edited by Lori D.
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I was going to share the last one listed by Lori.  https://www.amazon.com/Tales-Mystery-Suspense-Supernatural-Ready-/dp/0876289081/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1329173307&sr=8-1 I own that one and it definitely has some scary ones for that age group.  I have tossed the idea around in my head of doing many of them with my youngest next yr.  She is so unlike her sisters.  Her absolute favorite books right now are the Redwall books.  Instead of being scared or grossed out by many of the scenes, they are thrillers.  (definitely more like her older brothers.  Her sisters would have asked for stories like fairy tales or Secret Garden for bedtime stories.)

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