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Garam Masala - where does one purchase this?

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It's a blend of spices and there are many different versions which you can find on the internet. Super Target was the only place I could find it in Wichita. Of course I didn't go to any specialty markets, but Walmart and Dillon's didn't carry it and I knew the small town Apple Market and Jack and Jill nearby would not have it.

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It is powder and it will be probably old and tired. It is easy to make fresh. What are you making? I have a zillion recipes. Penzey's has one that isn't bad, and is fresher than what you get in a Safeway.


Here is my standby, which is more cumin-y than in traditional, but is very very good. I got it from my ex MIL (I was married to a Panjabi for 10 years), and it can be reduced to the "one cardamon seed" level. I grind the small amounts in a coffee grinder. Grind some white rice in it first to get the coffee out, and after to get the spice out. Works well. You can grind the larger amounts through the Kitchen Aid grain mill.

Store in glass jar in freezer and it will keep. People love it. Rub it on chicken before baking, or use in chili or Indian food.


Basic recipe:

2 C whole coriander

1 cup cumin

3 inches fat cinnamon

3 heaping teas of whole clove

5 teas. whole black pepper

scant single teas. of ajwain (optional)

7-8 whole green cardamon pods

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