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I was told recently that collagen is really good for healthy hair.  I am always looking for things to improve my hair after I royally screwed it up during my 20s.  But there are sooo many different types of collagen and I am getting a bit dizzy trying to understand all of it.

So, has anyone taken it?  Thoughts, opinions, funny stories??

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I put collagen in my coffee and I feel like it makes my hair grow faster. Here’s a link to the collagen I use:


I’m not sure if it actually makes my hair healthier though.


Edited by Just Kate
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I also drink the Great Lakes collagen to help my joints and connective tissues.  I add 2 TBS to grape juice, smoothies, or other strong flavored drinks. The trick is to stir it in to your drink and let it sit for awhile. It totally dissolves into the liquid and is much easier going down. It has virtually no taste this way. 

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I use this one and like it.  I put it in fruit smoothies and can barely tell it's in there.  I got it originally to help my dd with her gut issues (and my own bloating, which I definitely think it helps with). Haven't been using it long enough to notice anything other than bloating relief, but I think I will see some positive effects with my joints, etc.  


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1 hour ago, Thatboyofmine said:

I was just looking at collagen on amazon, so this is timely.   I’ve thought about trying the vanilla flavor to add to coffee, but was wondering if pills would work just as well. Anyone know?  


I would love it if pills were just as good, but I can't imagine stuffing 2 tbl spoons of powder in a pill - how would that work?

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2 hours ago, Thatboyofmine said:

I think you have to take a boatload.  One bottle said 6 pills per serving.  But if I didn’t have to taste it, it may be worth it.   


I put my collagen powder in coffee and can’t taste it at all i also add cream and stevia...so maybe that’s why??

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5 hours ago, elroisees said:

I find that a multivitamin with biotin in it makes my hair grow much faster.  I should warn you, though, it makes ALL the hair grow faster. ?  


Very true! My little annoying chin hairs grow much more quickly when I’m taking collagen. ?

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