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The It's SUMMER Teachers Lounge! 6-5-2018


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Good morning, all, and welcome to the Lounge!

Today's theme stems from a few things: my daughter graduated from high school on Saturday, I'm giving the kids the month of June off, or most of it, from schooling,
and we're in our daily 100+ degrees for high temps now!

What are you up to today? Here: headed to a business breakfast soon, followed by a business meeting, then coming home to wash dishes and declutter with the kids. 
May watch a show on Netflix with one or both kids. The plan is to stay IN during the afternoon. I really need a summer escape plan!

What summer activities are your kids involved in? Here: Nothing yet for the boy but I really do need to find something for him to do. My daughter just started Tai Chi yesterday.
She will also be apply for jobs and volunteer positions, plus getting her drivers permit this summer.  Next week the three of us are volunteering for VBS at church.

Anyone involved in water sports? Here: kids used to be on swim team but no longer. DS could still do it at the community center but he says, "Swimming should be fun. They don't make 
it fun." However, he will be in Discovery Guard starting next week. It's a precursor to Jr. Lifeguard and he actually enjoys it. Mostly, I think, because he has friends involved. Me, I'd love to go
kayaking on a regular basis! 

Talk to me! :bigear:

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Morning, Scrap!
It's a balmy 56 degrees here right now, so I think "summer" will involve more long sleeves than we're used to. ?  We're taking advantage of the warmer-than-winter temps, though, and doing more outside school instead of taking off this year.  Okay, not really school.  Only the fun stuff.  We have a read-aloud going, and there's music, some latin and math, but it's all stuff ds likes and looks forward to.  He's got a few month-long activities, too: an outdoor camp focused on botany, swim lessons (hopefully July will be warmer than June!), and a continuation of a robotics club.  The last month is for camping and visiting.

Today we're hitting up the library, followed by the grocery store.  Very exciting, eh?  I'll putter in my garden for a bit and go for a run before cobbling together some sort of dinner. 

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About 70 degrees here right now.  It's supposed to get quite a bit warmer.

We were supposed to go to the beach today for some beach-combing/tidal pools but they are calling for thunderstorms this afternoon so I cancelled.  That's the second time I had to cancel this trip, but being on the beach in a thunderstorm seems like a bad idea, and it's over an hour away so I didn't want to do the drive if we couldn't walk anyway.

Then we were going to go on a local hike with a friend but ds is puking this morning.  It's extremely rare that he gets sick, probably has only puked twice his entire life not due to driving in a car, so I don't want to keep an eye on him and not leave him home alone.

Then dh got a call that his mom is in the hospital since she's been unable to keep food down, so we're waiting to hear how she's doing.  She's 82/83 and has some health issues.  They are 2 1/2 hours away from us.  

So, given all that, just sitting her at home maybe some cleaning for today.

No summer plans at the moment.  Dd will continue TKD, we'll do some hikes, go to the lake swimming and kayaking.  The 4-H Fair in July.  Maybe a camping trip or two.  We're being pretty boring this year.  Partially because we are renting space for my science classes starting in August so there's lots of stuff to get ready for that.

Dd decided not to do swim team this year.  She still loves to swim but doesn't like to compete and felt it was too much pressure last year.  

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