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The My Brain Hurts Teachers Lounge 5-17-2018


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Good morning, all, and welcome to Thursday's Teachers Lounge!

This morning my brain hurts because I did not sleep well last night, kept waking up for some reason, and I worked on my writing project this morning. I'm committed to getting this novel FINISHED and ready for publication by Oct 1. That means I have to have it ready to send to Beta Readers by July 23rd. Anyone need a book to read over the summer and want to be a beta reader for a cozy mystery-inspired action/adventure? 

What's on your schedule today? Here: working on novel in progress; breakfast (street tacos, breakfast style); workout with son; call lawyer; possible lunch meeting; mail rest of graduation inviations and 3 care packages; household stuff; maybe a nap!; and possible meeting with friend tonight. Oh, yeah, school in there somewhere too. ☺️

Do you keep an idea journal? Here: I have one, haven't used it in awhile, and recently realized I need to start writing down all these ideas that come into my head!

Who's in 4-H? Here: I was when I was in grade school. Thinking I should look into it for my son. How are you involved in it?

Talk to me! :bigear: 

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Schedule for today is lying a lump in my recliner feeling blech.

I'm not sure why I'm feeling so tired and bleh.  I'm sleeping okay but the weather is crappy - chilly, grey and rainy - and our power has been out since Tuesday evening but we have lights, wifi and tv thanks to our generator.  But no AC and pollen counts are high so that might be part of my problem.  

We run a 4-H STEM club.  That's actually the only thing really on my agenda for today - a meeting about the 4H fair.  I"m the science chairperson.  We were supposed to have a meeting on Tuesday but with the power outages and wires down, we had to cancel at pretty much the last minute.  We were going to extract dna from strawberries, now we'll do that at our next meeting.

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Sorry everyone is feeling tired and blurgh... after having a long running headache I went to bed early the day before yesterday and slept as long as I wanted!  Yesterday I felt so good.  It made me think probably all I need is a bit more sleep and rest!  I'd been starting to wonder if i had some undiagnosed illness!

Todays highlight is that my freezer is packing it in.  Yesterday we had power off all day while the power network did scheduled maintenance.  When the freezer alarm started going last night I assumed it was to do with that but the freezer alarm was still going this morning and now it's making an awful noise and food is thawing.  We have turned the deep freeze on ready to move stuff as soon as it's cold enough.  

So frustrating.  We are saving to leave for holidays fairly soon.   My dh had been working overtime.  So far his just out of warranty car has needed expensive major repairs and now the fridge is going.  Also I need to get clothes for my eldest as he's just grown out of everything!  Ugh...


scrap I'd love to read your book!  I don't know if I'd be a good beta reader but we're heading away so should have the time! 

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