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The Truckin' Tuesday Teachers Lounge 5-15-2018


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Good morning, Happy Tuesday, and welcome to the Lounge!

Today's theme comes from what today is and that there are several things on the docket to get done.
One of which is to help my hormonal, emotional 13yo boy not to be so hard on himself or take that frustration out on his family! Oi!

What's on the schedule today? Here: went to an MMI breakfast, watched an episode of "Chuck" with aforementioned teen, now attempting to get the kids
started on their schooling, while also getting myself going on various projects of my own. Later, will go out wtih dd to run errands: post office and bank.

What PE are your kids and/or you doing? Here: dd is on hiatus until I get her signed up for Tai Chi. The boy and I started working out at a gym last week. We've made it once so far.
The goal is at least twice a week - without letting life interupt us. Took the dog out for a short hike early this morning. I also want to check out a couple yoga classes - I found they really
help alleviate my random leg cramps.

Anyone a trucker or part of a trucking family? ? Here: I'm not but thought I should give a nod to truckers due to the title of today's lounge. If you are part of that community, I salute you!
I find it comforting on road trips to see a long line of trucks driving along the highways and byways, as well. THANK YOU!

Talk to me! :bigear:


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No truckers in the family.

We're being lax on PE lately.  Ds quit Tai Kwan Do due to a bully that he just had enough of dealing with. Dd still goes 2 or 3 times a week.  We are planning to join the Y soon, and we have some hikes planned in the next few weeks.  I teach my last class for this year tomorrow, then we should be able to do more walks and exercise activities.  

I tutored this afternoon, I have my STEM coordinator job at 5:30, then 4-H meeting at 7pm.

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Hi Scrap!

Good morning, Happy Tuesday, and welcome to the Lounge!

Hi Scrap! I have a preteen boy who is difficult lately. Are you telling me I have at least two more years of this? :ohmy: :tongue: Trying to get him to be reasonable is sometimes like climbing Everest. 

What's on the schedule today? We did a bit of school, a dental appt, Trader Joe's, some neighbor-visiting and general hanging around. Picking up our CSA box soon. Kids ar eok with driving around because we are listening to a HP audiobook in the van.

What PE are your kids and/or you doing? None right now, but the pool opens Friday! Ds will do swim team and the rest of us will have less competitive exercise in the water. 

Anyone a trucker or part of a trucking family?
No truckers here. 


Have a great rest of Tuesday!


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Good to see you, Toto and Scout! Toto, I get it about the bully. ? Scout, yeah, sorry. But I'm hoping he'll be over it by 15yo, which is when the 'tude STARTED with dd.
Maybe boys get over it sooner? No idea!

Today's afternoon schedule went off the rails because dd's glasses broke yesterday and she really needs them. They needed to be replaced anyway, so now is as good
a time as any! Plus, I need a new swimsuit, which I only realized because friends are coming over tomorrow afternoon to swim!

Later, gators!

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