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Facial skin care for 13 year old boy...


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So...one of my soon to be 13 year old twin boys is starting to have oily skin with his first (mild) acne breakouts on his chin and around his nose.  Because this is new to him, I want to start easy and just make sure he is cleaning his face well (maybe 2 or 3 times a day if needed) to try and keep things under control.  He cares so I know he will try whatever I tell him too - LOL.  Any tips, products, etc?  He plays baseball and swims so he does have sunscreen on his face a lot, but he showers when he gets home.



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Well my son really doesn't care enough, but luckily his skin isn't too bad. He uses the medicated wipes in the morning and throughout the day as needed and remembered, rarely:) But I think he's been most helped by a charcoal mask type thing. He puts it on any spots and his regular oily zones anywhere from 15-60 minutes before his night time shower and then washes it off during the shower. It seems like the easiest thing for him to keep up with and works pretty well for him. We buy his from a group called beautycounter, but I'm sure most would work the same,

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41 minutes ago, Arctic Mama said:

Encouraging him to keep his hands off it and not pick is huge, if he is tempted to be a picker.  An AHA face wash with some gentle exfoliation may also be a big help to keeping his skin less congested.


this is one of my favorites:


We have talked a lot about picking and possible scarring.  I'm hoping he will be careful.

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Acne Free face wash- it’s only 2.5% benzoyl peroxide so it doesn’t irritate young acne prone skin as much.  Available at target or drug store.

Thayers Witch Hazel is good as a toner to wipe skin down and freshen it up. It’s alcohol free so also less irritating.

A new product my guys use are pimple patches. Small hydrocolloid dots you put the pimple. You can use at bed time or during the day. Leave on for 8 hrs or so. 


My my guys best prevention results are the Acne Free face wash every night and clean pillow cases often.  

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I'd have him be careful about over washing or starting with overly harsh products. Sometimes that approach backfires and dries out the skin, which makes the oil production really ramp up. My sons all had mild acne, and all were outdoor athletes. I started with a gentle face wash daily - and extra if they had done practices or games - with a acne-specific wash once a week. My eldest liked the smell of Noxema and has always used that daily. My middle three use I Love Cucumbers or something like that. All four of them use the I Love Tomatoes or something like that with the salicylic whatever or acne-specific ingredient (I don't pay good attention, sorry) on Saturdays after games. And the a good lotion at night to help hydrate the skin. My eldest uses Oil of Olay because an ex girlfriend of his did and he loves it LOL. My other three use a lotion by the same company as their face wash. 

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There are lots of good products and advice from PP, but I just wanted to say that Dr Dray on YouTube has fantastic videos about acne. She gives great product suggestions and they’re mostly budget friendly and easy to find. Plus, she’s a dermatologist. Her videos are just so informative and helpful on what active ingredients are good for what skin problem you’re dealing with  

With your DS, I’d start by making sure his sunscreen is oil free and non comedogenic. I would add a gentle cleanser with salicylic acid (Zapzyt is good). Only cleanse twice a day. Use an oil free moisturizer. 

Starting out simple and by only adding a couple of things you’ll be able to tell what helps/doesn’t help and he won’t make his skin go totally crazy and get irritated or extra oily (like PP said...too much cleansing will increase oil production). Using a moisturizer helps with that, and also helps with possible drying irritation. 

If the above doesn’t work, you can add or switch (for example, add a benzoyl peroxide 2.5% to the mix) But I wouldn’t *start* with more than 1 new active ingredient. 

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If he's prone to being lazy about a routine (like mine):  Disposable face cleansing cloths.  We get Simple brand and I seriously cut them in half and store in an old Charmin flushable wipes container.  You don't need a whole one so this saves me money.  And then, for acne-prone areas and breakouts, THIS roller has changed the game for a few of my kids because they like using it so they DO and don't have to get product on their hands:  https://www.elfcosmetics.com/acne-fighting-spot-gel-with-aloe/300006.html  (Say Yes to Tomatoes brand used to have one that we really liked but they discontinued it!)

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