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Writing for a kid who dislikes writing?

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My rising 4th-grader dislikes writing. He dictates well, and is skilled at creating a coherent thought-flow with good detail. He is a great at teach-back. I think most of the trouble is with the mechanics of writing itself. Sometimes he will type his answers, which he prefers to handwriting, but he says he still doesn't like it. He says it's hard for him to remember his thoughts while trying to get it down on paper in one way or the other. I am looking for suggestions that can help him work out these mechanics, both with handwriting and the writing process in general. Thanks in advance.

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Sounds like you need to work on working memory. You can play games, do digit spans, etc. We've probably had threads with ideas if you do a google site search.

Also, when my dd was at that stage we did metronome work. Heathermomster has posted instructions. You just use a free app. You can add in working memory work, distractions (music, siblings, dog running around), etc., so they're using their working memory, using language, motor planning, etc. My dd's writing came together after that work, and it cost $0.

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My now-5th grader struggles with this as well.

We have him write notes dow/outline and just realize the first draft is getting words on paper. There will always be at least a second draft (We try to get it on the computer as often as possible so he doesn't have to do the writing since the physical act of writing is part of the problems)


I'll be looking up these activities about working memory as well.

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