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Spanish for Children users - let's all post an update.


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We're finishing chapter 8 with an 8 yo and an almost 6 yo tag along. 6 yo is involved with memory page only. We are also doing LFC A. The two programs go together very nicely. They have the same format and often a similar grammar theme or vocab for a given lesson. It has not been confusing for my dc, and I find it interesting to see where the two languages are identical, where there are small differences, and where they are quite different.


We do both programs 4 days a week and we work through them together--no independent work. Latin is by far the preferred program because of the DVD. The girls really internalize the chants and say them around the house all of the time. The DVD lessons have little fun segments at the end that the girls really enjoy. We do the DVD chant most days, the DVD grammar segment Monday only, the workbook grammar page Tuesday, the worksheet Thursday, and the quiz on Friday. Spanish doesn't have the DVD (wish it did), but we basically follow the same schedule. Memory page daily, grammar Tuesday, worksheet Thursday, quiz on Friday. We might listen to the CD on iTunes on Monday, but I'm not crazy about it so I often just do it on my own. I've had 4 years of high school Spanish, so I'm comfortable with pronunciation and I think I'm finding most of the errors. For the worksheet and quiz, I usually do the writing in the book and my 8 yo gives me the answers verbally.


Spanish is not as fun as Latin and I think my kids aren't hearing it enough. I should probably just play some of their favorite videos in Spanish mode! But a structured program like this helps me a lot--at least my kids are getting something every week. Much better than the last two years when I tried to wing it and ended up never getting to Spanish. So I wish they were immersed in the language a bit more, but at least they're getting some exposure. And I should say that as dry as I think it is at times, I haven't had any complaints from the kids yet. If I find any extra energy, I'll try to supplement with some books or CDs or something a little more fun.

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I am using this with my 11-year-old, grade 6 ds. We do one chapter per week, but we only do it two days per week since we do Latin three days per week. I wanted to add in a modern language but still continue to focus on Latin. My ds is working through the first half of LitCT II this year.


I think SFC is "okay." It suits our needs as I didn't want a full-blown course at this point. The errors in the answer key drive me batty. I think there should be a lot more drill than there is. However, it has been good for vocabulary and my ds considers it quite "easy" compared to Latin.


If year 2 is ready by next year, we will probably carry on with it and then start with a more traditional Spanish program in grade 8.




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>Where are you at in Spanish for Children?

Chapter 8


>How old is/are your dc's using it?

10, nearly 11. Fifth grade.


>Have you tweaked it?

No. But we do flash cards daily.


>How have the errors been?

I haven't opened the answer key at all. I haven't been bothered by errors.


>How would you say it's going?

Fine. I think the DVD will make it more fun, though.


>How would your dc say it's going?

He doesn't love it. But he does want to learn Spanish. And it isn't too hard for him.


>What do you like about the program?

Because we've done LFC for a couple of years, I wanted to see the conjugation charts. Other programs don't get into that right away. SFC does.


>What don't you like about the program?

I want the DVDs, dang it. :)



In preparation, last summer I worked through much of Madrigal's Magic Key to Spanish and several chapters of Mastering Spanish CDs on my own. My pronounciation is not good, but I'll be adding a tutor later.


We do both Latin and Spanish every day, one chapter of each per week.

My son doesn't get them mixed up unless we do them too close together in the day.

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Well, I *am* glad you asked this. I had briefly looked over this programming at convention and thought it was going to be the way to go for us beginning next year. Now I see that it's as fraught with problems as anything else I've looked at in past. Accckkk!!!! Why, of why, can't we get good science and language programs for our children? I just don't understand!


Thanks for the info! And thanks for saving me from shelling out yet more money for poor programming.

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had my frustrations years ago when LfC first came out, but Classical Academic Press has done an excellent job listening to parents and fixing errors. It took time, but I'm so glad they really put the effort in fixing their Latin programs because they are excellent. I just wanted to put in this positive note about the company. I think they are very artistic, their programs look so beautiful, and they are very fun to use. The enthusiasim that is put into their programs is amazing. They have wonderful customer support too. So, I just wanted people to know not to write them off because of editing issues.

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