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? for homemade laundry soap makers

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I made my first batch and it looks like it came out fine. My one question was transferring it into another container. There is quite a bit of "gel" at the bottom of the bucket. I stirred it pretty well but there was still a lot of gel that didn't mix. The liquid in the new container looks a little "thin" but seemed to wash the clothes just fine. Does this sound right? Any comments or suggestions? Thanks!

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I don't know how to make homemade laundry soap but I wanted to give you a thumbs up for doing it:thumbup1: That's fantastic.


We have a new "Natural Living" social group here on the WTM board for sharing that kind of info. If you're ever free, stop in. We'd love to have you.



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I tried so hard for months to make mine out of b. soda, borax and shaved Ivory soap, and my whites ended up yellowing badly. I tried liquid first, then powdered, and had the same problem. Not sure if this is what you're using-I hope it works better for you than it did for me! And I could sure use a recipe that works well, if someone has one! I'm still determined to make my own, but I had to temporarily go back to the earth-friendly ones from my health food store.

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I make dry powder laundry detergent by whipping it up in my food processor, just using the blade.


The ingredients are:


2 bars Fels Naptha

3 c. borax

3 c. Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda


I grind up the Fels Naptha first, after cutting it lengthwise into 2 chunks. Then I add the borax and soda and whiz it around for a few seconds until it is thoroughly mixed.


I wear a dust mask while processing it because even though the cover is on, there is still a little bit of very fine dust going in the air.


I use 2-4 T of it per load. My test load was DH's workout clothes and they came out clean and smelled great.


I use store-bought stain remover for DD's white hoodies, just to be on the safe side.



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Yes, that's perfectly normal. I have an immersion blender, so I use that in the bucket before transferring it to gallon milk jugs. You could also use a whisk. Shake the gallon jugs before using. Sometimes the gel won't completely go away and that's fine.



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I make dry powder laundry detergent by whipping it up in my food processor, just using the blade.


The ingredients are:


2 bars Fels Naptha

3 c. borax

3 c. Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda


That's basically what I'm using, too. Instead of Fels Naptha, I'm just using Kirk's Castille (which is what we use for bathing). The bars are smaller, so the proportions are a bit different (1 cup each of the borax and washing soda per bar). And I grate my soap before processing.


Oh, and for the last batch, I added a half cup of baking soda for extra freshness.


It's working great for me.

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I did use the same recipe that has been mentioned above. I found the Fels Naptha but I had a heck of a time finding washing soda. I must have tried 10 different stores. I finally found it (sodium carbonate) at a pool supply store...go figure. I did 3 loads of laundry today and everything seems just as clean as usual. There is no artificial fragrance which is a plus!

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