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The FIRST 2018 Teachers Lounge!


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Good morning, all! Hope your Holidays were lovely!


Today's theme is self-explanatory.


Anything exciting happen while you were on break? Here: daughter started thew new year with a POP! Literally. Sprained and tore a ligament in her ankle last Wednesday. I told her that's the only injury she's allowed for the year!


When did you start back to school? Here: we're supposed to start back to school today but have guests coming over later this morning, so we'll see how that goes!


Speaking of guests coming, I need to wake dd up and get dressed myself! Back later!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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I actually looked for it earlier, totally missed it! I thought that you must be taking a nice long break before the semester :D


We started back up yesterday, it's going well. The kids have myseteriously decided they don't like math (???) but are still doing the work happily enough other than their statement to tell me they don't like it. 


Nothing really exciting. We got sick early December and finally got over it early January. So missed Christmas with family and New Years was pretty low key. Just packing up, and figuring out 2018 plans!


Hope you had a good day Scrap, and that the company didn't derail school! And if they did, that you enjoyed your surprise free day ;)

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Back to the grind for us today as well. DD16 has an easy week because her two online courses don’t start until next week. She is reading Uncle Tom’s Cabin this week and growing E. Coil bacteria inherit downstairs bathroom (on purpose).


Excitement over the holidays? I had emergency surgery to have my gall bladder removed, so spent most of the holidays slumped in my recliner. DD16 and DD24 took over all the holiday arrangements since I was out of commission and it all turned out wonderful. Oldest DS was here with his girlfriend so we got to meet her and that was wonderful too.

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