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Asheville people (and others with ideas) Can you help?

Chris in VA

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I would like to give my son and his young family a membership to somewhere for Christmas. I was thinking the Arboretum, but there doesn't seem to be much there, and not til Spring, anyway--it does have reciprocity with the zoo, but the zoo is 3 hours away and ds doesn't like zoos anyway.


Any ideas? Trying to stay under $100 and find something fun. (Biltmore is out for other reasons.)

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What about the YMCA? Or a local theatre for 2 or 3 shows? Perhaps tickets to a concert series or dance troupe? There's so much to choose from in Asheville--just think outside the box a bit! 


You could even give them an array of gift cards to the movies, a restaurant and a fun activity like rock climbing. 



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What about the YMCA? Or a local theatre for 2 or 3 shows? Perhaps tickets to a concert series or dance troupe? There's so much to choose from in Asheville--just think outside the box a bit! 


You could even give them an array of gift cards to the movies, a restaurant and a fun activity like rock climbing. 

Oo, I like that array of gift cards idea. Hmm. 


Ds doesn't sit still--but his wife might like a movie--so one of those.


Something they could do together--OH--I just remembered they are taking dance lessons! Maybe more of those?

Rock climbing--oh dear. He would love it. She, IDK. And I want to include her mom (who lives with them) and their baby (2yo)...

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