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Okay, that's twice

Night Elf

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I've had two packages delivered by regular post today. One early around 7:30am and another just now at noon. I'm wondering if it's the same driver. My driveway is long and skinny and we have a turnaround space for cars so they don't have to go backwards at any time. Both times today, my postal driver did a uturn in the space right in front of my garage, going forward, going backward, inching the steering wheel a tiny bit at a time. Why didn't he just back down the very short way to the turn around? He could have pulled right out going forwards! Other mail trucks have done that. Maybe this driver isn't sure of how to drive his little truck?

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Some people are super bad at going backwards. I used to have a job on the 2nd floor of an office building. My cubicle was the last in the row, so one of my walls was actually a floor to ceiling window.


Every morning at 8:12, a coworker would arrive to work. And every morning at 8:12, I'd stop what I was doing to watch her try to back her car into a spot. It was wildy entertaining. She was horrible at backing in! I don't know why she didn't pull in and then back out to leave, but whatever. I got a kick out of it.


Every morning she'd "park", get out of her car, and check to see how good (bad) of a job she'd done. She would stand there staring at how her car was askew or over the line and then slowly walk into the building.

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Well, backing up from a parking space is almost inevitable unless you're lucky enough to pull into a spot with no one in front of you so you can pull through. Some people that come to my house pull into my turn around to park and when they leave, they back out just like they're backing out a parking space. There's plenty of asphalt. Watching the mail truck today was just funny. I'm just happy he didn't hit my garage or front steps.

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