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Flylady support thread Monday December 4...

3 ladybugs

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Good morning Flyminds! 


Welcome to the Flylady support thread. To find out what Flylady is: http://www.flylady.net/ You can also find people on YouTube if you search for it.


We have completed the baby steps found here: http://forums.welltr...nday-october-1/

We have also completed a Building a Control Journal series found here: http://forums.welltr...-16-tue-oct-24/

If you would like to share your small accomplishments on instagram, please do so at #wtmflylady


We will start the baby steps again January 1, 2018! So if you are a lurker, find us then!


Also if anyone wants to do Accountable Kids with me, let me know. I am starting that up again very soon (maybe before the 1st of the year). Using this system with the Flylady system may mean you have a self cleaning house! How wonderful would that be?


If you are new and would like to just jump right into the program please do so! 


This week the Flylady is focused on Zone 2 Kitchen.


Monday - Weekly home blessing - Our mission today is to wipe down cabinets! 


Weekly home blessing is spending 10 minutes doing each of these:

  • Vacuuming
  • Dusting
  • quick mop
  • polish mirrors and door handles
  • purge magazines and catalogs
  • change all sheets 
  • empty trash. 

Please join in on the fun when you would like! No time like today to start your way to an easier way to keep your house clean! 



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I figured since we had some new people that I would expand the intro a bit. Let me know how you like it. :)


It is FREEZING here! So glad I don't have to go out this morning! Today my sons have school again after a 3 week absence. This afternoon we are busy and I would like to get to the grocery store today... that may not be happening. 


My goals for today:

  • download DH's photos from his phone to my computer - this sounds worse then it is... I need the photos of our foster that he took. 
  • laundry
  • laundry
  • Hot spot my bedroom 
  • hot spot my bedroom (have 2)
  • figure out dinner
  • do the daily challenge
  • update blog
  • breakfast
  • lunch
  • snack
  • vitamins
  • educate ODS
  • educate YDS
  • go grocery shopping
  • get swim bag ready
  • pack deep fryer part in box
  • mail deep fryer part. 
  • make dinner

I think that is it. Boring day today. 

Edited by 3 ladybugs
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I like the expansion!

My goals for today:


Appointment for ODS

School ODS

School YDS


Something for dinner (I must learn to menu plan effectively)


Mail MIL bday card

Check mail



Also, I do think I'm interested in accountable kids!

Edited by mama25angels
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Well I just did something that took a lot for me to do and it didn't go over well. I live in a fairly urban suburban neighborhood. We all have roughly 3 car single car width driveways and we all have about 1 parking spot in front of our house. Well the neighbor across the street has someone that comes over EVERYDAY and they park in front of my house despite the fact that there is room in front of their house. I don't mind this as long as I know the street cleaner isn't coming by or a snow plow. So today, I saw them park there and I went out and asked nicely (really I was) if they could move their car if the street cleaners came through. The guy then told me that there are leaves on the other side of the road and they need to be cleaned up too. I said yes but how is that my problem. I am asking you nicely to just move your car. This is important to me (it should be noted I have neighbors that have their grass growing in the street and he never parks in front of their house). He then went on how I don't own the street and yata yata yata. 


I HATE confrontation. Seriously I avoid it all costs. I knew that he had a legal right to park in front of my house (otherwise I would have just let the police deal with him) but I thought if I were nice I might get them to change this habit. No he just decided that I should have to clean up my own front of the house whenever he decides to grace me the generousness of not parking in front of my house. Isn't that the most thoughtful person ever! Watch, now he will park there in snow storms and I will have shovel 3 feet into the street to get my car out. :rolleyes: I think my husband will just have to park the 17 year old car in front of our driveway in snow storms. 


Sorry for the vent. It is just another thing I have to put on my flylady list. 


ETA He just moved his car to in front of another house. I can't help but think that he just didn't want do what I requested for some strange reason but knew that it would be the "neighborly" thing to do. I don't really care as long as the front of my house gets the street sweeper... not that they really work anyway. :rolleyes: 

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This week the Flylady is focused on Zone 2 Kitchen.


Monday - Weekly home blessing - Our mission today is to wipe down cabinets! 


Weekly home blessing is spending 10 minutes doing each of these:

  • Vacuuming
  • Dusting
  • quick mop
  • polish mirrors and door handles
  • purge magazines and catalogs
  • change all sheets 
  • empty trash. 

Please join in on the fun when you would like! No time like today to start your way to an easier way to keep your house clean! 




Love the expansion! Although it further decreases my ability to find excuses not to do the mission... <_<  ;)

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Love the expansion! Although it further decreases my ability to find excuses not to do the mission... <_<  ;)


Yeah sadly this is ditto for me too! 


Yesterday my husband was talking to his mother. She is the one that told me that the larger the house the easier it is to clean... I wonder if they think that in Buckingham Palace? Anyway, she is now in a larger place and was complaining to him how it wasn't easy to keep clean. Sorry but I have to laugh at that one! Anyway, DH said we do Flylady and it has made our life much simpler. I told him to tell her I will be talking all about it on the blog (I have blogged for 11 years) so she should look at that. Watch, next time they come out she will telling me all about this new way of cleaning that she found called Flylady! 


Getting closer on my list but hot spots are next.  :scared:  :scared:

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morning routine done

home blessing steps planned: 1 bed sheets changed and washed, bathroom floor swept and mopped, trashes out

zone mission: work in kitchen extra. I cleaned out my dishwasher. It was grungy and wiped some cabinets. Will keep up the cabinet and wall wiping throughout the week as I do daily dishes.

laundry ALL Day. so much laundry. 

made to do list, almost all done: emails, etc. 

Went to library and returned overdue books and picked up reserves

Dinner: was breakfast for dinner. Done now and cleaned. 

Dh and I about to sit down and do some last minute paperwork and bills I was waiting for him to help with and maybe order a couple of Christmas presents. 

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