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Another Holocaust writing revealed.


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And yet there are people who deny it even happened.


and eisenhauer saw that one coming. that's why he had his men taking film and pictures as they were liberating camps.  he knew, the day would come, people would deny it even happened.

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That was a great, moving read. It’s incredible what technology can do to restore and dexhiper otherwise illegible texts. They’re managing to get writing from scrolls too delicate to unroll, too, by scanning them with radiography and then having a computer order the layers and layers of text on top of one another, because the ink shows up when irradiated.


Documentation is so important. I’m glad he survived the war and his words could stand as a testimony to what was happening.


I thought so too.  I got wondering today why he changed his mind about wanting revenge, but putting myself in his place, I suspect he felt a ton of guilt and remorse himself so couldn't relive it.  I suspect he had oodles of nightmares.  Poor, poor guy (and the others along with him).  I'm very glad he wrote his story and I'm glad it was later found - after his death was probably a blessing for him TBH.


Switching to the technology, I wonder what other historical events or just tales from the past are going to be shared with us as they find them.

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and eisenhauer saw that one coming. that's why he had his men taking film and pictures as they were liberating camps. he knew, the day would come, people would deny it even happened.

My grandfather would never talk about it but had a 100 or so pictures from when his group liberated a concentration camp.

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I seriously have no idea how people can deny it happened.  It's not like only one person or group saw it or talked about it.


it's   "inconvenient", and detracts from their own agenda.

Mils father survived the armenian holocast.  there are those today who insist it wasn't a racial/religious extermination.   based on percentage of deaths relative to the population, more armenains died than did jews.  (I'm trying to give perspective, not detract from the jewish holocast.)

some of mil's father's writings of his childhood memories recently resurfaced.   one of them was from when he was eight or nine.  there was a muslim teen who worked for his father.  he always accompanied mil's father when he was out in certain areas and about because of the danger to him as an Armenian-Christian.  

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it's   "inconvenient", and detracts from their own agenda.

Mils father survived the armenian holocast.  there are those today who insist it wasn't a racial/religious extermination.   based on percentage of deaths relative to the population, more armenains died than did jews.  (I'm trying to give perspective, not detract from the jewish holocast.)

some of mil's father's writings of his childhood memories recently resurfaced.   one of them was from when he was eight or nine.  there was a muslim teen who worked for his father.  he always accompanied mil's father when he was out in certain areas and about because of the danger to him as an Armenian-Christian.  


I agree, though I think in general most folks just don't care about various genocides when they don't affect them personally.  They're just "other news stories" around the world.  It could be Bosnia.  It could be Rwanda.  It could be the Rohingya (happening now).  All those occurred in my lifetime and I'm probably missing some as I just think off the top of my head this morning.


Then it just takes someone saying it didn't happen for others to hop on the bandwagon if it suits their purpose - or they just want to support that person or cause.  Facts simply don't matter even if the facts include pictures.  Humans are a pretty violent species among each other.  It doesn't take much to get folks to pick up weapons and fight.  It certainly doesn't take facts - just perceived ideas by a leader.

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