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How to handle this?

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My dc is in 8th grade and has been using the Prentice Hall Science Explorer Physical Science text - basic, introductory chemistry and physics topics.  Somehow, the topic of quarks came up in conversation, so dc read up on them and watched a bunch of videos on particle physics.  Dc is fascinated and wants to learn more.  I've never had a dc do this with science, so I'm not quite sure the best way to handle it.  My natural reaction is to insist dc focus on the foundational stuff, but I wonder if that will kill interest and I should let dc go ahead and chip away at such interesting topics, even though comprehension will be relatively low for many years to come.  This dc is heavily scheduled in fine arts, so there's not a lot of free time for extra science study.  How would you handle this?  



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My natural reaction is to insist dc focus on the foundational stuff, but I wonder if that will kill interest and I should let dc go ahead and chip away at such interesting topics, even though comprehension will be relatively low for many years to come. This dc is heavily scheduled in fine arts, so there's not a lot of free time for extra science study. How would you handle this?

My 8th grader read random stuff about black holes, string theory, time travel even though comprehension is probably negligible. Figured the grammar in those books were decent and he learned some new words unintentionally. We just use library books and the library’s collection of Great Courses DVDs extensively. He use the time that is used for leisure reading so it didn’t take any time away from core academics.

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There are plenty of non-fiction books written to the general public, at a level that an 8th grader can understand. I would definitely let the child research the topic and provide books/documentaries/Great Courses. Your dc will take chemistry and physics in high school anyway; if the student wants to explore this topic, go for it.

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