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The Writing, Writing, Writing Teachers Lounge 11-16-2017


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Today's theme stems from this:

despite the fact I got up early to work on writing, time got away from me and I didn't get as much in as I'd hoped

and schooling will most likely be off schedule today,too. Where does this balance come in between trying to make a living as a writer

and getting other things done that need to get done?? Oi!



Who's writing? Doesn't necessarily have to be for NaNoWriMo. here: me!  :seeya: Just past the 20,000 words mark yesterday!  :hurray:


Anyone ever just tell the kids "your on your own today - get SOME work done" so you can get done what YOU need to get done? Here: thinking about

doing that very thing today!


Is it Thanksgiving break yet? Here: sort of wish it was so I could be okay with kids taking time off and not cattle-prodding them back to their studies.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Hahaha to the balance question. I will never find it.


Today I'm writing a resume!


I save my 'your on your own' days for when I'm way too sick to get out of bed.


Since my kids are young and we don't do much formal seat work it always feels like a holiday break! Ha, not really.

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Good afternoon!


I don't write, but I am trying to help our budget with tutoring math. Tuesdays are the days ds is mostly on his own because I have students here in the morning and afternoon. I still schedule out his work, so I plan more of the independent work for that day. 


With only having one home, it's easy for me to schedule his school like that any day I need to do more of something else. 


It's not break yet. We have co-op tomorrow, and we took school off today to have a friend over for his birthday. That will mean ds is probably doing school on Saturday to finish up some stuff for him to be able to take all of next week off. We leave right after church Sunday going to TN. 



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Today's theme stems from this:

despite the fact I got up early to work on writing, time got away from me and I didn't get as much in as I'd hoped

and schooling will most likely be off schedule today,too. Where does this balance come in between trying to make a living as a writer

and getting other things done that need to get done?? Oi!



Who's writing? Doesn't necessarily have to be for NaNoWriMo. here: me!  :seeya: Just past the 20,000 words mark yesterday!  :hurray:


Anyone ever just tell the kids "your on your own today - get SOME work done" so you can get done what YOU need to get done? Here: thinking about

doing that very thing today!


Is it Thanksgiving break yet? Here: sort of wish it was so I could be okay with kids taking time off and not cattle-prodding them back to their studies.


Talk to me! :bigear:

Yes, I'm writing, writing, writing. And I ought to do some editing tonight. Balance--that's tough. But when I don't write, I'm frankly a very, very unpleasant animal to be around. I have to write, or I bite. So if that means I don't get everything else done every day, that's okay. Writing is a priority for me, ever so slightly ahead of school, slightly ahead of reading, painting and drawing, and always outranks housekeeping and cooking. I have been working hard to get anywhere from 2 to 3 hours of writing time 5 days a week. If I'm on, I can do about 1000 words in an hour, and I can edit a chapter in about that same amount of time.



I should pass 28K today.


All the time. I have been known to fairly bluntly tell my family to leave me alone, and most of the time they listen. It helps that both boys write, and know that when I'm off in my world creating, they get a nicer, happier Mom when all is said and done.


Not yet. But the week has been light (finishing up fall quarter) and tomorrow we have no math. So party!


ETA: The age of my boys helps, A LOT! Also helps that I have no other children, that both children can and do cook for themselves when they must, and boys and DH help with housekeeping. Big help, that!

Edited by Critterfixer
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