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Parental controls with specific time limits?


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Is there a program or anything that will do something like this...?


(Those with difficult kids understands that the computer saying no is a different and more tolerable dynamic than a parent redirecting or saying no. So please don’t suggest I just say no!)


My kids are in cyber school. My son’s curriculum is heavily modified, so it’s very limited in what he needs to use.


On Monday morning he has 3 almost back to back 1:1 live lessons. The teachers may or may not use YouTube. So he needs access to the school stuff freely.


Then Tue-Thur he has virtual speech and math live lesson.


The rest of the time he only has science and social studies book work (on the computer and textbook).


So I want to time block his computer from everything but the school website until 2:30, but with an easy option to open it up for the rare occasion he’s compliant and finishes quickly.


Will that Disney thing work for this?


We’ve used K9, but it’s too difficult for what we need.


I have the option to buy something if it fits the parameters.

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We love Disney's Circle. It controls things from the wi-do router and you can set time limits, time span in which they can use the internet, controls on each individual device or as a group, block specific websites, set up kid-safe content controls, and pause the internet from your phone as the need arise. Seriously, you can do just about any parameters with Circle.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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