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I am doing some test prep books with my kids because we have state required testing in April. They haven't been doing too well on the vocab part and I am not sure what to use to help them with that. We do read alot and we are halfway through LC I, but other than that I don't use a formal program. Would Wordly Wise help? Do you feel a weorkbook program sticks? I am afraid they will fill in the answers and forget the words by the next page.

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But if middle school and above, I'd suggest going to the library and getting every prep book for PSAT or SAT or ACT and copy every vocab list. Student gets a notebook and writes down word, looks it up in an age appropriate dictionary, jots down a one or two word definition, a sentence using it, and moves on. Review the list the child has made daily until test day.


This was my technique for getting 98th%ile on vocab. To ace a test, put some time into studying for the test.


Also, add to the list any word in reading that child doesn't recognize.



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To prepare for our standardized testing, I use the Scoring High books at Rainbow Resource. I've found them to be very helpful in familiarizing my boys with the format of the test. Here's a link to the CAT books (they also have the older CAT books available so be sure you know exactly which test they are taking): http://www.rainbowresource.com/prodlist.php?sid=1202998235-1723543&subject=1&category=48


To help with vocabulary, I would recommend the Word Roots software from Critical Thinking Company. I use many of their products, but not specifically this one because of our Latin studies. However, I think Word Roots would be helpful in your situation and easy to do since it's a software program. In addition, all of your kids could to the program; your older ones would just progress to the higher levels more quickly. http://www.criticalthinking.com/getProductDetails.do?code=p&id=03703



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I think you could use Wordly Wise leading up to their testing and it would still be fresh with them then. I don't know that it will still stick with them by next spring. You could also just pull vocab from their reading, history and/or science. That might actually stick better if they're really using the words some as they complete their assignments.



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AR is only testing on the two reading comprehension sections and Math Problem Solving and Data Interpretation. The ITBS is the test used by the state. Not saying you shouldn't find a good vocabulary program :D, but I just wanted you to know that the testing is quite limited this year.

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AR is only testing on the two reading comprehension sections and Math Problem Solving and Data Interpretation. The ITBS is the test used by the state. Not saying you shouldn't find a good vocabulary program :D, but I just wanted you to know that the testing is quite limited this year.



I didn't know that! While I am glad, I was concerned @ their vocab and figure it can't hurt LOL. Thanks for the info, that is a relief!

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They'll need hundreds of words, not a hundred words. The trick to getting to vocab tests is that you don't need a long definition, just a ball park. Perhaps you'll get an X is to Y as blank is to blank and if X and Y are opposites and the choices include three pair of non-opposites and zenith:nadir (a favourite for some reason), they don't need a lot of info on zenith and nadir.


If you really need to nail this (and I do advise this as the study I did for this STUCK) start now with at least 5 words per day, brief entries, and the last two weeks drill and drill quickly (have them get in a quiet place and cover their answers and glance at the word, pop out an answer and flip up the cover for a quick glance and move on.


HTH. I suffered for years from test anxiety and I got over it by getting those joyful moments when you open up the booklet and think gosh, how simple.

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