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Mouse/keyboard for smart tv


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My husband upgraded our tv awhile back to a smart tv. I wasn't a fan at first but we do a have a few school things we did online before that didn't work real well crowding around my 10 year old laptop. I realized a couple weeks ago that I could use the tv as a big computer!


However, it is pretty difficult to navigate the internet with the remote that came with the tv. I think a Bluetooth mouse would be helpful or maybe a keyboard, but maybe I just need an app to turn my phone into a remote? What do I want?


We mostly use the smart tv for a couple specific websites I have bookmarked and a YouTube playlist I set up for school. If it was easier to navigate I think we could use it for more. It's a brand new LG tv, not top of the line, from Walmart or some other box store. I have no idea which model we have. What do I want/ need to be able to easily click links or type in websites?

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