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Favorite Picture Study / Art Cards


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Okay, so searching for those terms brings up a LOT of topics unrelated to them, so I am just trying to round out my Art stuff. I already have a book (Drawing with Children) and a resource (Art Tango) for teaching them art, but I would love something beautiful for them to study (or just admire). I'm hoping to find some way to use Art Cards to look at and review in the Morning during our 'Circle time' / Morning basket thing (I'm working on a fun name for it.. ;) )  AND for a picture study. I don't really want to spend 12 weeks on one artist a la SCM (although I've heard the studies themselves are great), and I like the look of the MP cards but is there a study that goes with them? We're an artistic, creative, musical family with a few type A personalities mixed in (super fun combo :P ) so Art, and especially gorgeous classical Art, is important.


-I'm hoping for Morning Time Art pictures they can look at and we can briefly talk about. Bonus points if they tie into a Picture Study or Artist Study.

-I'd like to spend maybe 2-4 weeks per Study (2 weeks if it's a Picture, 3-4 weeks if it's an Artist). I'll probably be doing the study 2x week as a 20 min 'class', and once of those times I will naturally segue into 30 min art lessons (drawing, color, etc). Honestly, my kids 'do art' every day. I can't think of a day there isn't coloring or colored pencils or chalk or paint lying around. They are super self sufficient in this way (glory, because I don't have that stamina).

-Totally fine with both secular and church related resources. My husband is Catholic, I am a non box fitter (made that word up right now). We still study Saints and love the old icon artwork.

-If it helps, we are studying Ancient History.



TLDR: need some suggestions for favorite and most beautiful Art Cards - would prefer either larger prints or a book so I don't have a million cards getting shoved under the couch. Need some suggestions for a Picture or Artist Study that isn't 12 weeks long.  They'll be used in different ways but Bonus Points if they tie together.



Thank you all for your helpful suggestions and thoughtful replies to all of my posts! Seriously, I was so overwhelmed a month ago that I wanted to cry. You all gave some awesome advice and great nudges and I feel MUCH more confident about where we are heading and what I've picked out for my kids. If something isn't a perfect fit - NOT the end of the world. A lot of freedom and peace here in giving myself permission to do my best AND be okay if it doesn't work perfectly :thumbup1: 



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This may not be exactly what you're looking for-- I didn't think it was what I was looking for until I came across it used and was impressed by the quality-- but we like the Art Resources published by Core Knowledge. They're collections of art prints (arranged by grade, which is unnecessary for our purposes!) on 8 1/2 by 11" card stock. They have some suggested questions on the back. My kids have actually appropriated many of these and hung them on their walls! (I've never used the teacher's guides or anything; these stand alone in my opinion as a way of acquainting kids with great works of art. When I want more meat, I use library books as supplements.)

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These aren't cards, specifically, but we use the Met Art Calendar a lot (check Amazon). There is a high-quality production of a piece of art on display every day. It sits in our kitchen and over breakfast we talk about the art - artist's name, style, what we notice. Sometimes we are very interested and search for more info about that artist. This would work very well in morning time.


Once a week, they each choose a painting from a past year (I keep the old box) to glue into their journals and do a picture study (look at the painting and describe what they notice). We often look up those artists at that time.


I've noticed growth in their appreciation for art and their ability to notice elements of artworks since we've been doing this (two-ish years).


Word to the wise: there are occasionally paintings with nudity (usually Renaissance stuff). You may wish to look ahead and edit, depending on your approach to that kind of thing.


I appreciate that the Met calendar includes many types of art. Mostly paintings, but also sculpture, fabric art, photography, ceramics, etc. It's an amazing price for a ton of thoughtfully curated art reproductions. Paired with A Child's Introduction to Art, which discusses artists and specific styles/techniques, we've gotten a good exposure.

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We have the Met calendar too, but, of course, it is limited to works in their collection. The variety of mediums is nice.


For cards we have the Usborne Famous Paintings. They have a piece of art on the front and information on the back: artist, date painted, where, medium, where the piece resides, short discussion, something to look for, and a piece of related trivia. Not 4 weeks of discussion, but perhaps paired with a good book...



Lookee there, Rainbow Resources (and Amazon) sell a book by the same name. Might be a good complement (or totally redundant).

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I'm not sure if either are what you are looking for, but we like the Come and Look With Me books and we also have the Usborne Famous Paintings cards, which we really like.  They have the painting on the front and then on the back there is a bit of info about the artist and then a little Look out for...section and a Did you know...section.  They are great for bite-sized art study that can easily be expanded on if you choose.  



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