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Next years planning grade 6 for Calendar year peeps


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Anyone whose year runs Jan to Dec planning for next year yet?


I know we are doing story of the world medieval. We also have wayfarers and mystery of history for this time period plus I have a heap of sonlight books on loan. I also have a few bits and pieces.


My struggle with history will be what to cut not what to do.


I haven't though much about science. I want to do physics as per for cycle with the older two (11,turning 9). I have no idea what I want for this. Something story of the world style would be perfect. I love the fact that we can just do the chapter and it's done or we can add the activities when we have time. This year we tackled RSO chemistry and I found we were getting behind because I didn't have all the material or time for all the activities. If it was easier to just do the theory when the rest didn't work it might have worked a bit better.


For writing I'm going to be mid program as we switched midyear. Oldest is on iew and youngest is doing zany zoo. I will keep going with spelling power for oldest, I'm not sure about dd8 yet.


What about you? What do you have planned.

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Our Plans: To finish what we start!


We have a bad habit of starting materials but not finishing them. Either the kids (or I) get bored or life happens. It is going to be a little crazy because of moving into a MUCH smaller space. I want school to be consistant and predictable for all of us. It is comforting to have that routine. We all need it. (and so does my bank account!)

Edited by Paradox5
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Our Plans: To finish what we start!


We have a bad habit of starting materials but not finishing them. Either the kids (or I) get bored or life happens. It is going to be a little crazy because of moving into a MUCH smaller space. I want school to be consistant and predictable for all of us. It is comforting to have that routine. We all need it. (and so does my bank account!)

I have a habit of switching mid year (for us). When the back to school sales happen in US and I get excited about new stuff.

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I'm not a calendar year peep but I've already tentatively started planning for next year, I've even got a spreadsheet started :) . I've got a 6th grader coming up :) We are 1/3 through the year now so it is obviously not set in stone yet :)


Some things are obvious though-



Saxon Math- 7/6


Apples & Pears Spelling- D & MegaWords 1(if she makes it through as much this year as I've planned- I'm hoping to get her through spelling before High School- we'll see!)


Writing- WWS1 at half pace if I think she's read by the end of the year- otherwise, I think we will continue with W&R (we are finishing through Narrative 2 this year) 


Lit- continuing on with our own thing and some Bravewriter Arrows



History- at this point I'm thinking of continuing on with SoTW/OUP keeping my girls together but we'll see if they have any specific things they want to study. I was eyeing some from SCM as a way to beef it up w/out as much work on my part. 


Science- we are doing unit studies this year- if I feel spunky we'll continue if not I'm eyeing both Building Blocks of Science and Behold and See, I might try a unit from ?Good & Beautiful and if we like it we might try more next year


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I can tell you what I have planned to finish out the year!


For history we are reading through Oxford University Press' Age of Science and Revolutions and Dangerous Journey. Dd 6th - for independent history/geog. is finishing off A Man for All Seasons, mapping the world with art and One Girl One Dream. Ds 4th is reading through SOTW3.


Reading through Macbeth, Spurgeon and Plutarch and doing dictation.

We are doing bible, watercolour and Andrew Campbell's latin together daily.


For science, we are using Great Science Adventures Plants and doing practical botany - kids have planted seeds in seed trays and today we ph tested the soil and worked on digging out our garden plot. We also will be doing once a week nature walks with plant identifying. Dd will read through The Naming of Names, ds is reading Quark chronicles Botany.


Maths - dd is finishing Jousting Armadillos, and flitting around with khan, fred and other books laying around. Ds is finishing beast academy 3D/4A and life of fred fractions.


English - dd - WWS1, daily grams, diagramming, spelling. I'm letting it be a little easier because she does a fair bit of writing independently. She already finished some MCT this year. Ds - finishing MCT town level, spelling.


That's the bulk of our term. We do CM style 3 x 12 week terms, we just started term 3.

Edited by LMD
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