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Plutarch for the younger crowd


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Hello All,


  I am looking for a version of Plutarch that is geared toward middle schoolers. I have found Plutarch's Lives for Boys and Girls and Plutarch for Children.​  Does anyone have opinions regarding one over the other? Another version that someone has found and loves?


Thanks!!! :bigear: 

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Hi, I'm not sure if you're already familiar with Ambleside Online, a free, CM-based homeschooling curriculum online, but they have this page on Plutarch with lots of information and links on it. They mention Young Folks' Plutarch, which I don't think you've mentioned yet. Anne White, author of the primer linked above, did much of the work on that AO page as well. Then there's Yesterday's Classics, with e-books or hard copies for sale of these Plutarch for Children type books, and many are free on Heritage History's site or www.mainlesson.com. (The Baldwin Project)

Edited by Amy Meyers
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I love Anne White's Plutarch guides.  She breaks up the text into lessons that are very manageable and I think easy enough to use with elementary age kids.  Not sure what age you are looking for but my 6 yr. old tags along with my 9th grader and he gets just as much out of it as my older child.  Don't sell them short particularly if they have been read to a lot.  Here is link to one of her guides....HTH :)





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