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GRRRRR!!!! I am frustrated!!!!...no, I am down right mad!!!!

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So I bought SOS Biology for my son this year.  We tried it out and it is not going to be a good fit.  For me or for him.  So I asked on here and someone told me that the company has a 30 day return policy....but I just found out it is for everything BUT opened SOS products.  And according to the rep I checked a box that said I wouldn't resell it.  Now what?  I am out nearly $100??  That truly stinks!!  How is a company suppose to expect us to really know if a program is going to work if we can't try it out?  Do they really think that everybody who buys it will like it?  Well, one thing for sure, I will NEVER buy from them again.  It is not worth the risk.  


Do I have any other options??



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I am fairly certain that you checking the box that you won't resell is not actually legally binding when it comes to items like books and physical curricula. According to the first sale doctrine, you have the right to resell a copyrighted physical item you purchased - a book, CD, etc.. If the curriculum is all digital, it may not be the case, since you may have technically purchased only a license.

Edited by regentrude
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I have the physical CD's.  But I just might have also run into another glitch....my name is on the program because I registered it.  I can't seem to figure out how to remove it, reset it or anything.  I was able to remove my son's name...and the little work he did do...but I don't know if someone else will have issues when they try to set it up on their computer.  Does anybody here have any ideas on that??

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I have the physical CD's.  But I just might have also run into another glitch....my name is on the program because I registered it.  I can't seem to figure out how to remove it, reset it or anything.  I was able to remove my son's name...and the little work he did do...but I don't know if someone else will have issues when they try to set it up on their computer.  Does anybody here have any ideas on that??

Whether or not they run into problems depends on what happens when you "register" the product.  Do the CDs have some sort of unique identifier printed on them or an accompanying card that you have to type in during registration?  If not, then the discs are likely all identical and someone else can register if they have the CDs.  That's how it should be, since you are not both trying to access the material simultaneously.


OTOH, if registering meant logging into some server and purchasing access to something, then that is different.  It doesn't sound like that is what you did.  As long as you are running the software or videos locally from the CDs, you should be fine.


As has been written above, they cannot prevent you from selling the curriculum.  In the EU, that applies EVEN if you downloaded the software electronically.

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So I bought SOS Biology for my son this year.  We tried it out and it is not going to be a good fit.  For me or for him.  So I asked on here and someone told me that the company has a 30 day return policy....but I just found out it is for everything BUT opened SOS products.  And according to the rep I checked a box that said I wouldn't resell it.  Now what?  I am out nearly $100??  That truly stinks!!  How is a company suppose to expect us to really know if a program is going to work if we can't try it out?  Do they really think that everybody who buys it will like it?  Well, one thing for sure, I will NEVER buy from them again.  It is not worth the risk.  


Do I have any other options??



UGH!  I'm so sorry you've had such a terrible experience.  Please do not hesitate to sell the thing.  They're all over ebay.  It's no big deal.  



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great.  I am going to post it today.  Hoping to sell it soon.  I bought it for $80...do you think I could ask for $50...or is that too much?


What I do is I have a set range of what I will take for an item.  So if you want to ask 50, have number you will take if offered. For example- I offer you 40 or 45, would you be willing to take it?  Then it leaves my house and I have the money.  I also always say on my items OBRO ( or best reasonable offer) as I really want the item to go.


Good luck and I hope it sells fast for you.

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