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Changing profile picture

Night Elf

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I'm having trouble changing my profile picture. I even emailed tech support but didn't hear back. When I look at the profile pictures where you change them, there are 2 pictures. There is one on the left outside the box. There is one next to it inside the box. Well, the one outside the box is the picture I want to use. The picture inside the box is the one currently showing on my profile. How do I get my new picture showing?


Anyone else having this problem? It's not rocket science. I have followed the directions. I have made sure my picture is smaller than the allotted size. It's just when I browse for the new picture to put it in the profile, it automatically brings up my old picture. How is that possible?


ETA: if you look at the picture when I post, that's the former picture I'm trying to get rid of. If you click on my name to view my profile, you see my updated photo. How are they not the same?

Edited by Night Elf
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