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What is wrong with me


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DD starts middle school Wednesday she excited some anxiety but really looking forward to this and I am a wreck. I have had a child in elementary school for 18 years. I am happy to be moving on to a new stage in life but I find myself crying over this....really?? I guess its similar to empty nest. I do have hobbies an I am making arrangements to try a few new things for myself but I can't shake this feeling. Ideas, suggestions, btdt stories.

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Change is hard. Good or bad change! Emotional release is normal. Sad tears, happy tears, they're all tears.


My suggestion: just allow it to be what it is. Honor yourself and all that you're feeling. There's no need to rush through it. Voice your feelings out loud to yourself. I'm feeling _____and it's ok. I am human. I'm allowed to be human and feel ______. Then just take a deep breath and sit with your feelings, without judging them as "wrong" or "I shouldn't", just sit and be.

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I have a sign in my bedroom that says "Don't cry because it is over. Smile because it happened."  That has been my mantra as my kids have left the nest over the last couple of years.  And, yes I did shed numerous tears.

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