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Curriculum recommendations for my situation?

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Hello! I apologise in advance if this isn't the right place to be posting this, I'm just really desperate for some help.


Some background:

I'm 19 now turning 20 in a month. I've been using the ACE Curriculum since the 4th Grade, but due to financial problems and my mom being gravely ill (we had to take care of her for years) I still am in the 6th Grade using the same curriculum. Before all of these unfortunate things happened I had high hopes in studying in top universities majoring in Economics or Political Science, but now I feel like I'm hopeless and out of time.


Despite how I feel, I still really want to catch up with what I missed as fast as I can (I'm a fast learner) and also have a better foundation than what the ACE curriculum has done for me because I feel like I'm not learning anything with this curriculum. What set of books or what curriculum can you guys recommend to help me have a solid, well rounded education (especially in Maths and English)? I would prefer ones that are challenging and also thoroughly explained since I'll be teaching myself till I graduate high school. I want to have top marks in the SATs I'm required to take for university applications (even if I don't even have a clue about what Algebra is about yet lol). I'd appreciate anything else you guys think would be helpful as well.


I keep seeing people talk about Ray's Arithmetic for Maths, but I'm worried it's not difficult enough? People say it's very thorough so it sounds promising, I guess?


That's all for now. Thank you for taking the time to read this! I hope my situation isn't as impossible as I think it is :)

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Basic College Mathematics by Lial will solidify your basic math skills to prepare you for prealgebra. Older editions are cheap on Amazon. Answers to odd problems, reviews, and practice tests are in the back.

Edited by klmama
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Basic College Mathematics by Lial will solidify your basic math skills to prepare you for prealgebra. Older editions are cheap on Amazon. Answers to odd problems, reviews, and practice tests are in the back.


That is exactly where I would start if I was behind and wanted to catch up fast. It will fill in anything you've missed so far and should have you ready for Algebra when you are finished. 


For other subjects, how is your reading level? Are you a good reader? If so, I would just start a high school level curriculum. The only subject that is cumulative, that must to go in order, is math. English does to an extent, but many programs reteach a lot anyway. If your reading level is up to high school work, I'd just start there and look specifically at creating a program that will get the credits you need to graduate high school AND to enroll in college. Match them up, take exactly what you need.  

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I wanted to suggest these:


Spelling Workout (great review and the books are inexpensive: http://cathyduffyreviews.com/homeschool-reviews-core-curricula/spelling-and-vocabulary/spelling/spelling-workout-series-ag.)


Standard based Grammar by David Dye (https://www.amazon.com/Standards-Based-Grammar-Grades-7-8/dp/1475174187. Work through a page a day and you'll learn your grammar. We've used this for years.) Grammar is supposed to be big on the SAT.


Movies as Literature (you can work through this on your own and you'll learn a TON on writing: https://www.amazon.com/Movies-as-Literature-Kathryn-Stout/dp/1891975099. Plus it's one workbook and you just need to rent the movies from the library.) Writing well in life is super important.


I hope you'll read Tony Robbins book called Awakening the Giant Within. This book will encourage you to believe in yourself, have confidence, and set goals that you'll reach.


Good luck -- you can do this!





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For other subjects, how is your reading level? Are you a good reader? If so, I would just start a high school level curriculum. The only subject that is cumulative, that must to go in order, is math. English does to an extent, but many programs reteach a lot anyway. If your reading level is up to high school work, I'd just start there and look specifically at creating a program that will get the credits you need to graduate high school AND to enroll in college. Match them up, take exactly what you need.

I think I'm a pretty good reader! I just feel like my grammar isn't as good as it should be and that I'm lacking in a lot of vocabulary. Are there any good English programmes you could recommend?


And thank you for the recommendation for maths! I'll definitely be getting this book.

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I hope you'll read Tony Robbins book called Awakening the Giant Within. This book will encourage you to believe in yourself, have confidence, and set goals that you'll reach.


Good luck -- you can do this!



Thank you for this, it really means a lot! I'll look for it tomorrow at the bookstore. And thank you for your other suggestions as well! My grammar needs improvement so I'll look into everything you suggested :)

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I think I'm a pretty good reader! I just feel like my grammar isn't as good as it should be and that I'm lacking in a lot of vocabulary. Are there any good English programmes you could recommend?


And thank you for the recommendation for maths! I'll definitely be getting this book.

Khan Academy has an English grammar course as well as other subjects like math and science, it is self-paced and completely free. They also have free SAT prep courses. If you're looking for a stand-alone grammar book Amazon sells Harvey's Revised English Grammar as well as the Teacher's Key. It's small and fairly inexpensive, but thorough.

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Bulbax2, do you live in the US? You use an interesting mixture of American and British vocabulary.

I'm from East Asia :) Yes, I'm sorry about that.. I was raised with British spelling, but the ACE Curriculum (the booklets are also mixed British/American spellings sometimes) made me mix words up, unfortunately. I'd like to work on that as well.

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Khan Academy has an English grammar course as well as other subjects like math and science, it is self-paced and completely free. They also have free SAT prep courses. If you're looking for a stand-alone grammar book Amazon sells Harvey's Revised English Grammar as well as the Teacher's Key. It's small and fairly inexpensive, but thorough.

I have been using Khan Academy during the years I wasn't in school, but I'll definitely get back on it when we have our computer fixed. And I've seen that book recommended in other threads, so I'll check it out as well! Thank you very much! :)

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Analytical Grammar might be a good choice. It can be done across multiple years, but for a high school student in can be done in 1 year and gives a reasonably complete overview of grammar. It is enough for most people and relatively painless.


I never really used a writing program, so I can't give a recommendation there, but that will be important. The best way to get vocabulary is by reading. Read a lot!


You can pick any science and history curriculum you want. As long as you are pretty confident in your reading, go ahead and jump in. As you pick topics, you can use the pinned threads at the top of this page for a list of different science options, and search for suggestions for history, or post specific questions on curriculum for specific topics. 

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