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Dental sealants, BPA and VOCs


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DS has high blood levels of VOCs and BPA due to exposure in utero, through his birthmother.  This is a documented health issue, and believed to be a contributing factor in his severe allergies and asthma.


We do a lot of work to reduce his exposure, have modified our home extensively and generally work hard to reduce the amount he's exposed to, where we can.  No point adding extra VOCs/BPA to an already full cup, if we can possibly avoid it.


He would benefit from dental sealants, and I know they make some that are BPA free.  We're looking at those, but also know that some that are labeled BPA free contain chemicals that break down into BPA later, so we need to avoid those.


Is it possible to get VOC free or low VOC sealants as well?  


Anyone know?  If someone already has this info, would you please spoon feed me?  I don't have the energy to reinvent the wheel, if someone else has done the research.



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In my discussion with my ped dentist, my understanding is that the amount of bpa in a full set of dental sealants is less exposure than handling a receipt....about .09 nanogram.  She prefers to use Bis-GMA sealants (despite the estrogen controversy) because the particle size is larger and not biologically active.  She uses the rinse water/cotton swab rubbing technique to limit exposure. 


I assume you've already tackled the sunscreen/shampoo/drinking water issues....all of which are more likely to expose a kid to bpa.


I wasn't aware that VOCs were in dental sealants.  

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In my discussion with my ped dentist, my understanding is that the amount of bpa in a full set of dental sealants is less exposure than handling a receipt....about .09 nanogram. She prefers to use Bis-GMA sealants (despite the estrogen controversy) because the particle size is larger and not biologically active. She uses the rinse water/cotton swab rubbing technique to limit exposure.


I assume you've already tackled the sunscreen/shampoo/drinking water issues....all of which are more likely to expose a kid to bpa.


I wasn't aware that VOCs were in dental sealants.

Yes, we've got the bpa issue sorted now. Thanks. There are some good options, though technically some labeled bpa free can break down into bpa somehow. I'm not totally clear on that (migraine at the moment).


I'm not clear on the VOC issue though. Grrrrr.


We do what we can to minimize his exposure. Obviously we can't eliminate it. But we spend a small fortune on doing what we can, which is quite a bit, so I'd hate to negate our efforts by putting something in his mouth, that stays.


Then again, maybe I don't even need to worry about it. I'll research more when this bleeping migraine is gone. Or I'll just call his doc. :)


ETA: I'm way more concerned, as is his doc, about VOCs. We even have Lauzon flooring, for its purported VOC filtering. I kind of have to laugh, but we try. Hard.

Edited by Spryte
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