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College Schedule Website


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LOL about the starting time being 11 am! My kids wish!


I always just make up something like this using the table format in MS Word. My kids' school does have a schedule they can print, but I like it to be more visual than what they provide.


Word or Excel are what I've always done in the past, but this just made the entry so easy.  I liked that I could have several odd meeting times for the same class for classes that have lecture and recitation and lab.  It was easy for him to make several mock schedules with registration numbers ahead of time, since not getting into one class meant the whole schedule changed.


The schedule does adjust to include late and early times and weekends once you put your classes in.  Ds has classes as early as 8am and as late as 7pm some days in the fall.


I just liked quick and easy, and he seems to also.

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