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Gallbladder attacks, any help?

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Last wk. my gallbladder started acting up, so I took it easy, and cut back on proteins and fats and watched my diet.


No serious pain, now, but dull ache. But last night, felt super fluey, but no flu symptoms. What could this be. I feel yuck. Hot flushed, just icky.



What should I be eating, I feel like I am missing something?

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I thought I had the flu for a week and then was fine everyday for 2 weeks but had a fever every night. I went to the ER (my primary doctor moved & no dr. would see me) and was admitted. My gallbladder backed up into my liver and I had a liver infection. BAD NEWS! To make a long story short - after 3 hospitals stays, I finally had my gallbladder removed. All is well now.


Don't wait! See your doctor.

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She got stones while she was pregnant. They weren't horrible so they decided to wait it out until after the pregnancy. This past week she went down in severe pain. She said it was worse than labor and she was crying (which she didn't do in labor). She didn't want to go to the hospital because she is breastfeeding and didn't want meds or surgery. We looked up a olive oil/lemon juice flush on the internet and tried it. Things improved after about three days and she is almost back to normal after five but I really don't think that this is the end of it. I think that she is going to have to have it removed and I am jsut waiting for the call to come down there and help with the baby. Luckily, she has about a weeks worth of milk pumped so and the surgery is usually a day surgery so I think that it would be fine. But I am very concerned about her getting an infection from waiting to long. She is surrently on very low fat almost liquid diet with lots of juices but this can't go on indefinitely. She is going to do another flush and then we will wiat and she. So sorry you are going through this. It is very painful.

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