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What do you have/recommend for a kitchen sink window dressing?

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I have a regular window over my kitchen sink. It is roughly 3x3ft and is inset between cupboards so that no wall surrounds the window, just trim. When we bought our house 7 years ago I put up a mini-blind and fabric valance until I could figure out what I wanted. I never really found anything that I just loved and lately it has been bugging me. I want to replace it this weekend.


Just for some more details...I have traditional medium golden oak cabinets. My counter tops are in neutral grey/brown/pinkish beige colored stone and the appliances/sink are white. The walls are a light pinkish beige color.


What is on the window over your sink? or what have you seen lately that you loved?

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Yours is WAY prettier than mine. I'd take a picture but I'd be embarrasssed. I have a Sunday School craft of my daughter's scotch-taped on the window, a fully sprouted sweet potato in a glass, an empty cup, a half used Magic Eraser, and the hand soap pump bottle on the ledge under the window. (Splattered) vertical blinds and (splattered) window complete the lovely vision.


Obviously I'm of no help in the decor department.

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Your kitchen sounds a lot like mine, too! I have a valance above my window. We have the medium oak cabinets and our kitchen and dining area are pretty much open to the living room which also has a lot of oak in it. So I use the same valances on the living room windows as in the kitchen.


The valances I have are by Waverly in the Broadway style, the fabric is Emma's Garden Jewel which is a floral pattern for the top layer and a green check for the bottom layer. I like the Broadway style because it's a little shorter than some so it doesn't block so much light.

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I have the valance thing happening too. I think it's a pretty common treatment for kitchen windows:




Something I saw recently which I'm considering doing is putting one of these Ikea shelves up across the middle of the window with a cafe curtain hanging from one of the rails (attached with rings or clips). The bottom half of the window would be covered when the curtain was shut, while the top of the shelf could be used for storage.



Do you have room above your window for some Uppercase Living? (see my sig tag below). I have fun putting these designs up around the house.



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Glad to know I am not alone in the splatters department! That is part of why I am wanting to replace it this weekend, we are having a party her Sunday! I have taken off the blinds in the past and washed them, but I really don't want to this time.


I see most people have a similar set up to what we have. Maybe just some fresh fabric and a new blind will brighten the room.


Thanks everyone for your help and links, it helped me think through a few details!



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