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Little brother sneaking Beast Academy to read


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My youngest (mathy 7 year old) has found my stash of BA guidebooks and I'm catching him sneaking off and reading them. Of course, I'm thrilled that he wants to read math books for fun, but I'm also concerned he will consume the fun from them and not get the content. He has read all of level 3 (we have been waiting very impatiently for 2 to get published) and now is into 4D which has probability, decimals, multiplying fractions, etc.


What would you do? Should I just let him at it, or restrict it?

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My newly 6 year old has already heard all of BA level 3 as bedtimes stories, and we are now making our way through level 4.  He loves them, and I'm sure some of the content is sneaking into his brain even though they seem way over his head.



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Just another person chiming in to say let him read them freely! My daughter does best with math concepts that have had a chance (or many chances) to rattle around in her brain before she needs to apply them. Tonight, she took a Murderous Maths book to bed saying, "I don't understand this one except the first little bit, but I really love it anyway," Someday, when we address probability in a much more in depth way, that book will have started something in her brain that makes the concepts move along just a bit easier for having seen it before. :)


She reads the Beast Academy books in bed, too!

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Of course let him read them. A--whats wrong with fun? B- dude your 7 year old is reading about math.

My concern was basically that he would consume all the fun now, and not want to do the Workbook when the time comes...

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My concern was basically that he would consume all the fun now, and not want to do the Workbook when the time comes...


My son read them for a while and loved them, so I bought him the practice books.


They were too easy.

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That's like telling a kid who tries to walk or talk early..no no..you aren't ready for that just yet..you should not even try it.


I'd let him at it. There may come a time when he is NOT so interested in something. That's a heck of a lot more difficult to deal with.

Tell me about it[emoji849] the older brother (12) hates everything he deems educational. So frustrating!

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