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How to teach kids about the stock market and investing?


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There used to be a board game that was  kind of nice for this, I wonder if it's still around.

It was called The Stock Market Game.  There were risky and less risky stocks, and a market in the middle that floated all of the values up and down.  I've realized in adulthood just how good that game was at making modelling a lot of aspects of investing.  If you can find it I'd start with that.  Here's one for sale:  https://www.ebay.com/i/311855545885?chn=ps&dispItem=1


In looking for this, I noticed that there is now an online gaming site for this kind of modelling.  I'm intrigued, but have not checked it out yet.  It might be worth exploring.

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4th and 6th grade



I'm sure you'll get great suggestions.  I was going to recommend a resource if it were for high schoolers, but I'm not sure what to recommend for those ages.  At that age, I personally would just try to teach the value of saving:  teach them to divide up their allowance or the money they get for chores or whatever into three categories:  giving, saving, and spending.  My parents gave me an allowance, but no guidance to go along with it.  I always spent it all the moment I got it.  Not a good habit!   :001_smile:

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How interested are they to begin with?  At this age, I found the types of materials I needed to use varied depending upon whether I was working with a child who was already interested in learning about a subject and wanted to know more or if I was dealing with a child who had no initial interest and background.


They cannot open a Roth IRA unless they have earned income.  


If you children are competitive by nature, there are stock market games that can by played.  For example, marketwatch.com has an area in which you can set up an account with fake money.  You can set up how large of a fake account and how long the game lasts.  Then the kids can "buy and sell" stocks and see how they do.  The games are free.  You can set them up where they are private so others can't see them.  There are also some games that others will create that they can join.


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